Years ago, my Uncle Robert and My Aunt Liz had decided they wanted to sell their house and buy a 56’ yacht. Living aboard the vessel they often sailed for days, visiting different places up and down the Atlantic Ocean. One summer when I was about twelve my parents had to make plans to fly down to Florida for a few weeks for my father’s work. At the same time my uncle and aunt were planning a trip to Bermuda and they invited me to spend my summer vacation with them. I was absolutely thrilled at the idea because I had never been on a boat before and sailing the ocean for a week sounded like an exciting adventure. After the adults ironed out all the details I took a plane from my hometown of Chicago all the way to Charleston International Airport, where my uncle picked me up. Three days before we were meant to set sail …show more content…
As we started to pull out of the marina I began to get a little nervous about being completely away from land for the first time. My mind came up with all kinds of images of ways that we might sink, or run out of fuel. Thankfully neither of those things happened. The few times we hit a little bit of rain along the way I wasn’t used to being on a boat so I sometimes got sick when the water got a little rough. I loved being out at sea. Waking up to the sharp tangy smells of the ocean and watching the sun slide up over the horizon. There were times in calm waters that you could see dolphins swimming alongside the boat, leaping in and out of the waves. We spent a lot of our time fishing off of the side of the yacht, playing board games, and watching movies together on the portable laptop. Even though I had my own room I always chose to sleep on the sofa in the forecabin. I really enjoyed this spot because there were big windows above the bench and you could see the main sail and look up at the sky from there. Overall the five days we spent making our way towards our destination were relaxing and stress
My personal favorite vacation was when I was six. I flew with my family to a friend’s beachfront estate in Florida. Countless hours were spent hours fishing and swimming on the beach every day, even catching a Blacktip shark. The life changing trip made me exceptionally closer to my friend and his family. I traveled to Italy when I was twelve, it was the first time I had left the United States. The trip was an incredible experience for me, introducing me to an entirely new world of culture. Leaving the United States was a substantial goal for me at that age, as I had never been to a place where people didn’t speak English. The trip was an eye opener for how different the world can be. My first flight alone was when I was in February 2015, when I flew to Colorado to ski with my aunt and uncle. Initially, I was nervous as I left my father at security and made my way to the gate. I soon realized how simple it was to travel and thought of it as an adventure. I’m sure my experience wouldn’t have been the same if the people sitting next to me weren’t so friendly. Even though I have had some transforming experiences in my life, I always look to see what enjoyment I can have next and what I can to create
I examine how rising or falling tide can affect the water level of Corte Madera Salt Marsh in this report. The data is from Wednesday (June 19th) and Thursday (June 20th). My hypothesis is that tide and water level have positive relationship. From the result, I learn that the water level and tide have positive relationship. However, when tide changes its direction, the water level is likely to stay or little change.
Surf Dive ‘n’ Ski offers the newest women’s and men’s styles from the most recognised brands. They have express delivery nationwide and real time tracking for online purchases.
Everything starts to happen on December 1941 in there house in Ocean Park, California. Ocean Park is a small little town that is kind of by Santa Monica, a lot of the people that life there make their living by fishing, and eating what they catch.
To begin with, if I was currently an advocate for the environment and animals I would first focus on the Orcas, or killer whales, at theme parks, specifically Sea World. First of all, Sea World is inhumane. Five of the Orcas currently at sea world were “whale-napped” from the oceans they called home. For example, Tilikum, one of the most know whales in the Sea World franchise, is now thirty-two years old. He was captured at the age of two by, which means he has been in captivity for thirty years. And, before anyone says Tilikum was injured so they “rescued” him I want to say that it is fact that Tilikum was not injured. He was taken from his family and confined to a tiny tank just so people could make a hefty profit. Also, if the Orcas are
Seapunk is a culture that originated on Tumblr in 2011. It is regularly associated with an aquatic- themed style of fashion, 3-d net art, iconography, and allusions to famous subculture of the Nineties. The advent of seapunk additionally spawned its personal electronic tune microgenre, presenting factors of Southern hip hop and dad tune and R&B music of the Nineties. Seapunk gained constrained reputation as it spread via the Internet, even though it changed into said to have developed a Chicago membership scene.
That has been what I have been doing on the ship for the last year. It wasn’t always just me doing this; I am the last member of my crew on its way back to earth. My crew, my friends, my family, all gone and I don’t even know how it happened. Maybe it happened when they were on there way back from the surface or maybe something went wrong on the ship ether way, all that’s left of the explosion is a big hole in the shuttle bay and a lot of gamma radiation. In fact the gamma rays are the only thing keeping me from investigating the area.
The world is home to many living things, the majority of life on earth though is living in the ocean with a percent of 94%. Since the beginning of the 1800s, man has been mapping the great oceans and what’s in them, but no more than 90 years ago have we started to look deeper. The ocean hasn't been completely explored, but with the advances in ocean exploration technology, scuba diving’s, and with those finds of strange creatures and treasures along the way.
Crumbling castles, carnage, and chaos clouds the image the mind creates when depicting the Middle Ages. We see it as a period in history that, supposedly, holds a semblance with darkness; a time where culture was a part of the past and a wish for the future. The term ‘Dark Ages’ is considered to be synonymous with this portion in history. However, despite these claims, the literature from the Middle Ages proves that this era was not so dark.
Imagine sitting on white beach with sand like grains of sugar and the sound of waves crashing onto the shore a short distance away and the warmth of the summer sun on your back. That is just some of what I was able to experience when my family took a week long vacation to the Bahamas. I’ve never really forgotten that week and I know that I want to be able to go back there again in the future. I was only nine at the time but even then I was able appreciate the trip.
The 10 minute ride in the calm, clear water felt refreshing and both our moods began to look up. Still too cool and breezy for swimming, we hung our feet over the side and putted along taking our sweet time with the enjoyable ride. Inside the cove where the Marina is, we tied up the dinghy and
After graduating high school, I spent three months in Japan learning languages. There, I could engage with people from all the different backgrounds. Although it was a short period, only living in three months in Japan widened my perspectives. Semester at Sea will more open my perspectives also engaging in South Asia, Africa and Europe.
If you have ever lived in proximity to coastal areas you may have seen coastline erosion first hand. The beaches you frequent during the summer may seem to be getting smaller and smaller every year. Why does your favorite beach seem to be disappearing? Coastal erosion is to blame. The waves, wind, tides and currents all play a part in the mechanism that is coastal erosion. When water and wind batter the shoreline sediments are carried out to sea and deposited on the sea floor or at other points along the coastline. This is called an erosional coastline. This erosion may be very apparent or seem to have happened overnight when it happens due to a large storm or extremely high tide.
Oceanography is and always will be my life. I spent most of middle school through college with one goal in mind, and that was to study and explore the ocean. A little more than half way through college I started thinking about what exactly I would be doing after I graduated. I hadn’t quite figured it out at the time. Eventually I started to think that I would just go to grad school and specialize in Chemical Oceanography or something. Senior year came and went and I started to pay more attention to the elections. The elections were what finally helped me decide on what I have to do.
In July of 2016 my husband and I took our family on a cruise, it was the first time cruisin’ for all of us. We were so excited to experience something new. We decided to drive to Galveston Tx. where we would port from to begin our week long journey. We were at sea for four days and docked three days. The destinations we chose were on the Western Caribbean; Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Jamaica.