
Ocean Acidification Lab Report

Decent Essays

This lab closely looks into the current cause of ocean acidification on actual marine organisms, specifically rice coral and sea urchin skeleton. The lab also proves how the two organisms are starting to deteriorate and change as carbon dioxide levels emit into the ocean and alter the ocean’s chemistry. The lab specifically compares the issue by monitoring the pH level, the general hardness level of calcium, and the carbonate hardness level. It is with this lab that proves how the pH level, the general hardness level of calcium, and the carbonate hardness levels in the ocean water are negatively affected by climate change factors that cause ocean acidification. This results in harming marine organisms such as rice coral and sea urchin skeleton. …show more content…

The purpose of this was to measure the carbonate hardness which is a measure of the water hardness caused by the existence of carbonate and bicarbonate; it is also the ability of the water to resist pH change in the ocean water. The data show that when the ocean water with the rice coral was not exposed to the emission of carbon dioxide, water there was an increase in the carbonate level by “420”. This shows that the carbonate value is high enough to maintain a stable pH. As for the sea urchin that was not exposed to the emission of carbon dioxide, the carbonate level decreased by 40. The carbonate value was within the range and did not have a drastic decrease of carbonate hardness so it is safe to say that the water is still capable of maintaining a stable pH change in the ocean water. As for the rice coral that was exposed to the emission of carbon dioxide, the carbonate hardness level remained the same, which proves that carbon dioxide must have affected the water and if this value starts to drop, it proves that carbon dioxide in the sea water causes ocean acidification which will decrease the concentration of the carbonate ions. As for the sea urchin that was exposed to the emission of carbon dioxide, the carbonate hardness, increased by “460”, this proved that the water was more stable and resistant the water is to pH changes. Carbonate is vital for …show more content…

One of the errors that occurred in this lab would be during the calcium part of the lab. When the coral, shell and sea urchin skeleton was not exposed to the emission of carbon dioxide in the water; there was still a change in the water hardness. This change could be a possible error because the water should have maintained and had an equal value of calcium hardness. The error occurred when the water was sitting out, which made the test vulnerable to the addition of carbon dioxide to enter the surface of the water even when we did not purposely do it for the test. Another error occurred within the carbonate hardness testing. The data collected were not so consistent because the carbonate value for the rice coral and sea urchin skeleton exposed to carbon dioxide should have resulted with a carbonate value higher than its initial habitat value; instead, the lab proved opposite. Reason being, if ocean acidification is really altering the ocean’s chemistry, the carbonate hardness value should be lowered in order to prove that ocean acidification is actually affecting the marine life negatively. The mistake during this part of the lab could have occurred due to the fact that the carbon dioxide bubbling that we decided to do for only a minute should have been done in a more expanded time frame; this could have made the data more accurate because the ocean water would have been exposed to carbon dioxide

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