
Occupational Therapy Assistant Essay

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The Occupational Therapy Assistant lab at University of Charleston is unavailable after normal business hours to complete tasks hands on and to work on homework effectively; with no computer lab available for additional knowledge on the subjects, OTA students of University of Charleston is at a hindrance, resulting in tasks being completed off campus. The OTA program is at an educational disadvantage because the main resources are limited to a Monday through Friday schedule, which entitles students to rely on unscholarly articles and websites for information.
According to Tuition and Fees of UC, “The University of Charleston is committed to providing the best value for your educational investment”. The class of 2016 Occupational Therapy Assistant Program accepted 27 students for the 2015-2016 school year at the new location in Beckley. The average tuition cost per year …show more content…

In order to be successful the information and knowledge that could be provided by the University would supplement what is referenced, to what is being learned, allowing the information to coincide together. The obstacle of not having access to the OTA lab affects 50% of the students in the OTA program who prefer studying at night, and 69% occasionally study in groups. With these statistics it is very likely that the OTA lab would be used when the University of Charleston is closed after normal business hours. Most of the class learns by visual which would benefit those who study in groups or stay after school to efficiently learn the material and not have to worry about only being allowed so many hours per day. In order to successfully complete each course in the program, time needs set aside to study and review but it’s hard to find a location with all the resources and equipment needed to do so

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