
Occidentalism In Orientalism

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Occidentalism, as a concept, remains debated amongst scholars to this day. While the essential components have a modicum of consensus, the finer points remain vague, and its prevalence amongst intellectuals in Oriental societies varies dramatically. At the most basic level, Occidentalism is the mirror image of Orientalism. Just as Orientalism consists of an abstract, disconnected rendering of “Oriental” societies within the mentality of Orientalists, Occidentalism provides a similarly essentialist perception of the West, or “Occident”. The Occident is perceived as a monolithic entity, diametrically opposed to the Orient on a cultural level. Occidentalism as practiced by Oriental scholars traces its intellectual roots to traditional European Orientalism, and retains the very same fallacies that have recently become so reviled amongst Western academics in regard to Orientalism. …show more content…

The Occident, considered as superior on a technological and military level, is contrasted with a backward and underdeveloped Orient. Amongst Occidentalists, the Occident is considered a malignant force seeking to dominate the Orient. For example, in the early years of the Turkish Republic, the “West” was consistently associated with neo-imperialism and “eternal animosity” toward the Turks.1 Such sweeping generalizations extending across vast swaths of time and space, as if such paradigms remain static for eternity, epitomize Occidentalism. In this way, Occidentalism resembles classic Macdonald-Gibb Orientalism;2 while some of the assertions Occidentalism dogmatically adheres to may be valid in a particular context, they are by no means absolutely correct in all

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