
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( Ocd )

Decent Essays

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is defined as a “disorder in which intruding, recurring thoughts or obsessions create anxiety that is relieved by performing a repetitive, ritualistic behavior or mental act (compulsion)” (Ciccarelli & White, 2012, p.543). OCD is a neuropsychiatric disorder that once was considered to be rare (Stein, 2002). Today it affects two to three percent of people across the globe (Treating obsessive-compulsive, 2009). It is a disorder that is “equally common in males and females” as adults, but for children, obsessive-compulsive disorder seems to appear more in boys than girls (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p.459). OCD has a lifetime prevalence of 2.5% in adults, and a 1%-2.3% prevalence in children (American Psychiatric Association, 2002). These results were based on community studies and appear to be similar in cultures that exist all over the world (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). According to the Solomon & Grant (2014), the World Health Organization classifies obsessive-compulsive disorder as the “leading global cause of nonfatal illness” (p.646). OCD is “characterized” by two symptoms called obsessions and compulsions (Treating obsessive-compulsive disorder, 2009, p.4). Obsessions create anxiety from “intrusive and unwanted thoughts” (Solomon & Grant, 2014, p.646). The most common obsessions include “repeated thoughts about contamination, repeated doubts, a need to have things in a particular order, aggressive or horrific

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