
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead the client to do repetitive or compulsive behaviors. Clients may only have obsessions or compulsions and still be diagnosed with OCD. The client may not be aware that his/her obsessions are not reasonable or he/she may try to ignore them or stop them all together. In doing this it will increase his/her distress or anxiety. The client may feel driven to perform compulsive acts in an effort to decrease the stressful feelings. Client’s obsessions are often centered around specific themes, such as the fear of being contaminated by germs, he/she may feel the urge to wash their hands until they become sore and/or chapped.
Biology: …show more content…

shaking hands or using public bathrooms; distress about sexual images repeating in your mind
Compulsion: washing; cleaning; counting; checking; demanding reassurance; following a strict routine; orderliness; handwashing until his/her skin becomes raw; checking doors repeatedly to make sure they are locked; checking the stove repeatedly to make sure it is turned off; counting in certain patterns (i.e. by twos or tens); silently repeating a prayer, word or phrase; arranging your canned goods to face the same way
Psychotherapy: exposure and response preventions, most effective treatment for OCD, exposes client to feared objects or obsessions gradually until client can be around object and not feel the …show more content…

Establish a relationship with the patient. Rationale: establishing a relationship helps to build trust and let the patient relax and decrease anxiety levels.
2. Keep the environment calm. Rationale: decreased outside stimuli helps the patient relax and reduce urge to perform rituals.
3. Assist patient in learning new stress management techniques. Rationale: stress management can be used instead of rituals and can help to break the habitual patterns.
4. Encourage the client to participate in constructive activities. Rationale: when the client is preoccupied with small tasks such as needlework or puzzles they may be less likely to perform rituals.
5. Give positive reinforcement with non-compulsive behavior. Rationale: helps the client feel more comfortable without performing rituals.
6. Administer prescribed Fluoxetine (Prozac). Rationale: helps to relieve the levels of anxiety and need to perform

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