
Observation: Stepping Stones Preschool Program

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The place I observed was the Infant Development Program in their preschool program called Stepping Stones Preschool in Lock Haven, PA. I observed in one of their three to five year old preschool programs that is held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons from 11:30am to 2:30pm. This particular classroom had two head teachers; Mrs. Kate and Mrs. Lisa. The teacher call their students Owls this is because their class name is Owls. When they want to get the kids to listen to them or they want to get their attention a teacher will say “Owls Owls Whoo Whoo” and the kids will say “Owls Owls Whoo Whoo”. Another thing the teachers will also refer to the students as friends. In this classroom there was four boys and four girls. I observed two …show more content…

Both boys spoke an average of three to four word sentences. The speech teacher Mrs. Kate (speech therapist) was working with both boys to try to get them to use four to five word sentences. She mainly worked with CH to increase his word per sentences. For example during snack time on October 28th, Mrs. Kate and CH were talking about the upcoming Halloween party that they were going to have on Friday. She asked him what he was going to be for Halloween and he said “I be cat” and she told him to say “I am a cat”. Then she asked him if he was going to go trick or treating and he said “No. I get Halloween toys”. Then he said he was going to a Halloween party. The teacher the asked him where the party was going to be and he pointed out the window and said “over there”. Mrs. Kate then said “Where?” and CH replied “on mountain” then Mrs. Kate said say “up on the mountain”. During snack Mrs. Kate told the other teachers to try and make the sentences that they give him to say back in four words. If you were to make them any longer he has trouble repeating them. Like CH, AB also spoke an average of three to four word sentence. Mrs. Kate did not work with him as much as she did CH in trying to get him to say longer sentence. During AB speech class they worked on what Mrs. Kate called the spray can sound also known as the /f/ sound. To remind AB that he had to …show more content…

I noticed that during this time AH is more interactive with the book. I believe it is because he can take his time looking at the book and be able to gain a better understanding. But, when he is at story time more often than not he does not seem to connect with the book. I think this just gives you a little incite to what may be going on with his language development. I think that AH needs time to look at a book either by himself or one on one. I say this because when I would read just a story to him he was able to answer questions and he was able to ask questions. CH on the other hand did not seem to like looking at a book by himself. But, if I read it to him he was able to ask questions and answer the questions I had for him. However when he got in a big group he seemed to get distracted by those around

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