
Observation Of Bees

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1.) Scientist at the University of Queen Mary of London discovered that bumblebees can learn how to collect food from challenges like pulling a string and are able to pass that ability to the rest of the colony. This is the first time intelligence has been seen in an insect; and, the first time that a cultural spread of this caliber has been seen in invertebrates. These findings are important because not only does it show that bees, like the honeybees, have the intelligence to solve problems or learn to solve problems on their own; but, it also shows that other bees can learn by observing a trained bee do the same thing. This experiment also gives insight to the social and culture interactions in animals that may show the evolutionary roots …show more content…

In this study, scientist tested the intelligence of bees and their ability to learn and teach learned skills to other members in colony. For the experiment scientist presented bees with a blue flower tied to a string at varying lengths under a table. That table was placed under a Plexiglas case. The scientist then introduced 40 bees into the environment, and 23 bees out of 40 successfully were able to be trained in a step-like manner on how to pull the string to get to the flower. In another case, the scientist took another group of bees and gave that group the opportunity to learn the skill on their own; however, only 2 out of 110 bees were able to learn the skill, which told scientist that the occurrence is rare. After that, the scientist allowed for naïve bees to observe the trained bees, and 60 percent of the naïve bees who watched were able to successfully learn the skill. Those trained bees were then placed into a colony, and the scientist were able to observe the technique successfully spread within the hive. With these results, scientist found that with the appropriate social and ecological conditions present, the culture of an organism can be changed with simple forms of education. Thus, cultural exchange does not require a high level of sophistication and humans aren’t the only organisms who display this

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