
Observation Of A Child : Social, Cognitive, And Child Development

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Our Life-span Development class observed a child in class for his social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development on October 2nd, 2017. The child observed for this report was almost seven months old at the time of the observation. His name is Maddox and he seems to be a very happy baby and developing at a normal rate. He was observed in classroom 1143 on Dordt College’s campus. His mother gave consent for this observation and both his mother and grandmother were present for the observation and answered questions about his behavior and development outside of what was observed in the classroom.
Physically Maddox seems to be developing normally and shows many of the signs of healthy development. When asked about what tests were done while Maddox was still in the womb his mother claimed that they did the gestational diabetes test. This test determines whether the mother has diabetes during the pregnancy, that was not previously diagnosed, and can indicate that the baby may be born over ten pounds and/or with diabetes (Santrock, 2014). His mother also claimed that he was born at 6 lbs. 11 oz. which is normal for newborns. Maddox also lost a little under half a pound when weighed for his first check-up. Santrock (2014) indicates this as normal, claiming, “In the first several days of life, most newborns lose 5 to 7 percent of their body weight before they adjust to feeding by sucking, swallowing, and digesting” (p. 73)
Other important parts of Maddox’s physical

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