
Observation In Observation

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The question that I set out to study was whether more men or women used their phones while walking. I expected more women than men to use their phones while walking because I believe that women spend more time on social media, texting, and making phones call when they are in public spaces, particularly in the mall, which is where I conducted the observation. Women often go to the mall in groups, and when in the groups, they tend to look at social media together or text others as they travel from one store to another. My hypothesis was that more women than men would use their phones while walking. Method For my observation, I went to the Buckland Hills Mall in Manchester, Connecticut. I sat a table located to the left of the Forever 21, inside the main entrance by the Panera. At the eight table positioned in a semi-circle across from the escalators, I sat at the table at the far right end. This gave me an open view of shoppers going up and down the escalators and shoppers walking through the mall, as this table was located at a busy intersection which a person must walk through to get from one end of the mall to the other. In addition, shoppers coming in through the main entrance had to walk by me to enter the mall, allowing me to also observe those shoppers. I observe all shoppers walking through the mall, and I divided my observations by male and female. For my operational definition of using a cellphone, it included holding a cellphone in their hand and looking down at

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