
Observation For Child Development

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Child Development Observation and Interview For this research project, I chose to interview my very own daughter (Alaina). She is a 7-year-old first grader who lives with her mother full-time. She has one older sister who lives in another state. Alaina is an active and inquisitive young lady. She attends year-round schooling and in her free time, she participates in Tae Kwon Do and basketball. General Observations I observed Alaina for greater than one hour while she played with a ten-year-old boy and two younger girls at a local library. The two older children were able to work together and assemble Lego blocks. Alaina was very in tune with what the boy was doing and often followed his lead. Alaina appeared to be annoyed at one point with one of the younger children who took one of her toys. At this point I reminded her that she was the older child and should just let the younger child have the toy, she complied with my directive without becoming upset. This demonstrated emotional maturity which aligns with my research which suggested that 7-year-olds will often appear far more emotionally intelligent when compared to earlier ages (Lee, 2017). We also played checkers and she appeared to be able to think strategically which aligns with Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Interview of Primary Caretaker For the next portion of this assignment, I had a discussion with my ex-wife (Shannon). These questions were necessary since I do not live in the same residence as

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