
Objectivism In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

Decent Essays

Of all the contradictions of Rand’s magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged, the greatest comes at the end of John Galt’s speech on objectivism. The main principle of individualists is to have value in life and therefore act to live or to die (Smith). For example the looters and evil characters, like Lillian Rearden, do not live, instead they leach off of others and try to get them as far away from their values as they can. Rather than contribute to a new intellectual invention, she does everything she can to demoralize her husband, Hank. Her fault is not putting value into her own life unlike the good characters such as the strikers at Galt’s Gulch oath is: “I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask …show more content…

The large scale society in Rand’s novel does not work, but a small one is considered manageable if and only if the social interactions are amongst rational individuals (Gotthelf 76). Another important thing about these individuals is that they all have to have their own personal values, independence, and rationalism (Gotthelf 76). All of the characters are self made intellects who have chosen to act on living, even though killing millions for one’s own gain is hardly rational, and now they have all come together to beat the looters. As a collective. Before Dagny is allowed to leave Galt firsts asks her to “give [them her] word that [she] will not disclose our secret or any part of it…’ ‘I give you my word’” and she agrees (Rand Atlas 740). Instead of all going in their own selfish ways, the strikers decide to fully band together for what they consider the greater good: defeating the looters. They are now operating under the success of the Galt’s Gulch group rather than for their independent values. Even though Rand’s philosophy vehemently pushes the idea the humans should reject having commitments to and with other people, all of her perfect heroes are now working together and basing their success on one another. Not only does this contradict objectivism, but also the agreement that no man should live for another. Dagny could

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