If someone was going to ask me how I would represent myself with four objects, I would probably have to take a day or two to think about it. Since I’ve already done that, I am now going to explain these four items to you. The things I chose, with difficulty, were a picture of me with three of my brothers, a sketchbook I’ve been looking for for a while, my phone (a most prized possession) and a mason jar filled with pretty trinkets. I think these would be the objects that would best describe me. First, I have a picture of me with three of my brothers at the zoo in Indianapolis. That is one of the few pictures where we are all smiling and posing. Normally, we’re super chaotic. We play around and yell and argue a lot. But somehow we all get along …show more content…
It was very important to me, because some of my favorite drawings are in that book. When I found it a while ago, I was ecstatic. Drawing brings out an artistic side in me that doesn't normally surface. It also gives me an outlet to channel my ideas. I think creativity has given me a chance to express myself and is a way to find who I am. The next thing I chose that represents me is my phone. It is my connection to my friends and family and a world outside of where I am. It has several features that were designed to help people with everyday life. My phone is one of the few things that manage to stay consistent around me. It is very helpful to have around. A lot of children are getting phones at younger and younger ages. I only got mine this year, so that makes me more careful and sensible about it. The last thing that I selected to portray me is a jar full of pretty oddities and ornaments. I believe this shows one of the most important things about me. In other words, it indicates my organization and thought process, which seems practically nonexistent to most people, but I find a lot of method to it. My room is usually like that jar on steroids. It makes no sense to whoever stumbles upon it by accident, but it is easy to unravel when you see it all the time. I feel like this represents the basics of me, as I
Out of the millions of things that could describe anyone or anything, my pipe cleaner object shows what makes me unique. The colors in my pipe cleaner symbol are not the most important or symbolic, but definitely mean something. The pink in the heart is a symbol for love, just like the care I have for my best friends and family. I added green because it is my favorite color, and it compliments the pink nicely. The blue and yellow in the sneaker show my “Boston Strong” and my love for running. Finally the red and black in the “Netflix” copy the logo. The symbols represent all the things I care about and what I love in my world. I probably could not live without any of them. Things I have not shown in my object that I still value are my gender
significant because it shows that the book is trying to draw a picture in the reader's mind about
My artifact says about me is I am stronger than I will ever know, my brother death give me strength to be able to define what life will take you after losing a love one. Each day I think about him, I cherish the childhood that he and I share, as his oldest sister I have always value just my brother but all of my siblings. I created a picture of my brother so I can overcome some of the many obstacles in my life and learning that his death will allowed me to view my life on a day to day basic. This artifact defines me to accomplish his memory, to capture the passion, commitment through family. My perspective towards my artifact points to the fact I am mourning. It makes me love my family more because you never know what
Objects have an important impact on our society. However, we all have different objects that are meaningful to us. These objects can be anything from a teddy bear, smart phone, or vehicle that are meaningful to someone. For me, that item is my Fiji Water bottle. I drink it at home and take it everywhere I go like to the gym, the library, and to class. To understand the relationship between my Fiji Water bottle and myself, we must know how the Fiji Water bottle becomes meaningful in the first place.
Some People might just see a album, but I see a treasured keepsake. It all starts with my sister Ann, who is twelve years older than me. She always had a camera in her hands and loved being in pictures too. Every event she carefully captured for our family. Now when I turned the pages, It takes me back to Christmases around the tree, prom dates and every birthday party our family had. The album is my only object I have from my childhood home. Since my sister is no loner living, my album is a irreplaceable
A lot of things about me could be read from these objests, from my basic information such as sex and birthday, to my living habits or even my DNA. These significant objects are collected since they accompanied me for a while, some of them appeared in my childhood and some appeared in my teenage life. Memories are recalled when I am looking at this collection, and the presence of these objects reminds me my presence.
Dogs are a part of me because despite my allergies, they are so loving and caring and no matter what, dogs are always loyal to people. The fighting dog represents my favorite actor, Jake Gyllenhaal in Southpaw. The cats hugging represents my affection towards the people I care, but I accidently scratch them because I have “cat like claws,” as stated by my best friend Shila. Next to it is the “her pretty smile” and “her resting face.” This represents me because most of the time when I’m not smiling people thinks I’m sad or mad which is dumb because how am I going to be smiling when I’m alone or walking by myself. The weird looking, pretty cat represents me because there’s sometimes that my self-confidence is higher than Trump’s wall and when I look myself, I look so good. The girl sitting on the couch and the dog being on the other couch represents me because when I see a dog, I want one, but I can’t have one, because I’m allergic to them. So, all I can do is fantasize about having one. On the bottom left corner are collages of my favorite cartoon characters, including: Chowder, D.W, Dexter, BoJack Horseman, Courage, and Peppa
Can your life be described with abstract ideas of everyday items? I can use objects and symbols to represent me as person and my experiences throughout my life. With the description for three items I can show you how i am a well rounded person and get to know a little about me to. The contents of my “Me” bag include items such as: an apple, a flag, and a folder. I with explain to you how these seemingly bland items represent me as a well rounded individual.
My memento is a blanket that I made with my grandma when I was younger. This blanket is a memento to me because it represents family along with one of my passions. Family is represented by this blanket because it was made by me and my grandma and love as well as time being put into making it. The memory of making it and it finally being finished will never fade from my mind and is more vivid just looking at the blanket. Me and my grandma made this blanket because if you know me I’m kind of obsessed with blankets but I also really enjoy playing soccer. These two things were incorporated when I got to make this blanket. Soccer is a big passion of mine and was represented in this blanket by having one side with soccer balls and the other with
Many people have an object or two that is very important to them. Something that is important to me is my collection of stuffed animals. It might seem strange but they are very important to me, because when I visit different places I get an item most likely a stuffed animal to place in my collection.
The human being is a very complex creation, therefore, I don’t believe three objects could possibly define me. Although , if I could use three things to symbolize my identity, I would use tires, a certificate, and a handshake. These three objects symbolize that I am blessed, educated, and honorable.
Have you ever thought about the things you have and what they mean to you whether they are physical or not? I will admit, I don’t regularly think about what my possessions mean to me. There is a short story called the things they carried, which is about some American soldiers in the Vietnam War, and what the things they carried meant to them emotionally and physically. Some of my most important things are my gold chain necklace, rifle, and wallet.
For example, my name is featured and collaged within the artwork. This artwork is busy and therefore, accurately represents me because my mind is constantly filled with thoughts. The portrait outline symbolizes my physical presence as an artist but, shows that the portrait is filled with these smaller images that come together to make me the person that I am. The message of my artwork is about having hope and never giving up. For example, surrounding yourself with internal positive thoughts will bring out the best in you. My identity contrasts with the background (a symbol of the outside world). It is the idea of colour vs. black and white. This colour contrast shows that my identity shines in any circumstance. My artwork represents this message because it demonstrates the qualities of patience and that art is a creative process. It also shows that it may take a few times and/or drafts to create any artwork, but that in the end, it was due to patience and techniques that the final product is
There is a vast emphasis on objects that contain personal responses showing the representation of this event through these objects.
I have 3 siblings; two brothers and one sister. My sister “Isha-27”, Little brother “Ishmael-10”, and my older brother “I.B-18”, we all grew up and spent the most of our lives with each other. I think I’ve always known that I was a little different from my brothers and my sister, but it's okay because we are all different in many ways. Now my story on how it's like living with 3 siblings with personalities are all different and how we all like certain things but we all manage to live together in harmony , my older brother is more into sports and my little brother is more into video games; my sister is more into reading a writing and more i'm more into math and science. At times it gets extremely annoying living with them