
Obesity in America: Management and Control

Decent Essays

Obesity in America: Management and Control Americans are among the heaviest people on earth. Not only are we getting fatter, but we're doing it at a younger age. It is estimated that as many as one in five Americans is obese, a condition defined as being more than 30 percent above the ideal weight based on height. In the United States, obesity prevalence doubled among adults between 1980 and 2004 (Ogden, et al., 2007). By understanding the magnitude, causes, and impact of obesity has on our society we can find ways to control this widespread phenomenon. Health Promotion strategies offer a promising avenue for mitigating this problem. According to Fred Kuchler and Nicole Ballenger (2002) being overweight or obese are major public health problems costing society over a billion dollars annually and posing as large a threat of death as poverty, smoking, or problem drinking. Obesity is associated with a number of conditions, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, certain cancers, and with increased risk of disability and a modestly elevated risk of all-cause mortality. The obesity problem did not occur overnight. In fact, it has been emerging for decades but only recently has it reached crisis proportions and grabbed national headlines. While Americans at the turn of the 20th century may have aspired to be plump, by now most people are aware of the health problems associated with excess weight. Diet books top the bestseller list, while

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