Obesity has had a significant impact on American. In the United States, the statistic shows more than 69% of adult are either obese or overweight. Even children have become heavier as well. Approximately 17% of American children in the age range between 2 to 11 has nearly three times the prevalence from one generation ago (X). People in this generation are not as active as their ancestor or parents. Many adults and children are obsessing with electronic devices that they would sit in the chair for hours. Physical inactivity and poor diet are a significant threat to health that may overtake tobacco as the leading preventable cause of death (square). Obesity did not happen overnight; it happens over time. The body weight of our body is the result of the choices we make: food, environment, and exercise. When the energy we take in from food is not in balance with the energy we burn from exercise will result in increased weight. Obese people require extensive attention to their health and it can affect their daily basic life routines. People who are obese or overweight have higher risk of developing serious condition compared to those with healthy weight. Diseases such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and body pain and difficulty with physical functioning in their daily lives. Obesity can cause high blood pressure in a variety of ways. Additional fat tissue in the body needs more oxygen and nutrients in the body to lives. Thus, the person would
Obesity can lead to a number of different health issues, one of the least deadly but most popular is high blood pressure. One half of Americans aged 55-64 have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stoke- and two in five are obese according to Health, United States 2005(Obesity, High Blood Pressure). High blood pressure is an increase in the amount of blood your heart is pushing through the body with every heartbeat. The increase in pressure thickens the heart muscle, which makes it work harder, while as the heart, muscle thickens the harder it is to contract and relax. This strain on the heart over time could lead to heart failure. High blood pressure is a very common effect obesity has on the body simply because the more a person weighs the blood is being pushed throw the body. Of course, there are medications that can lower high blood pressure, although losing weight for an obese person with high blood pressure is a more recommended remedy. With high blood pressure, there is a far more likelihood of having a heart attack.
Obesity is an epidemic and affects millions of people in the United States every day. This health problem affects everybody, not only adults but in people of all ages even children. It is also a disease, a disease from improper nutrition that requires long term medical treatment otherwise causing many health risks leading to death. “This isn't rocket science. People want to eat healthy diets, but they tend to eat whatever's convenient and affordable.
Obesity has become increasingly more prominent in American society. The Unites States has even been termed an overweight nation. Some twenty to thirty percent of American adults are now considered obese (Hwang 1999 and Hirsch et al 1997). With this in mind, Americans constantly look around themselves determining their weight status as well as that of those around them. While some Americans do fit the healthy category, others enter the underweight, overweight, and even obese categories, all of which can be unhealthy.
Another risk of obesity is hypertension. “Obese persons have an approximately five to six times greater risk of developing hypertension than lean people”. Hypertension places a person at risk for stroke, heart attack, or organ failure. Most people with hypertension must also take daily medications. In 1995, the direct cost of obesity related hypertension was $3.23 billion. The indirect costs have not been measured.
Obesity can cause a plethora of health issues. When BMI rates rise so does the rate of disease and disorders. Obesity can lead to health ailments like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and various types of cancer. Obesity caused ailments are preventable. Around 300,000 deaths occur each year from obesity related issues. This makes in one of the top causes of preventable death in the United States. In 2010 estimated cost of obesity was 190.2 billion and accounted for nearly 21% of the annual
Obesity or overweight has become, a common factor for millions of people in America and other countries. Since the 1980’s the number of obesity or overweight adults and children has more than doubled. Today nearly one third of 2.1 million people are either overweight or obese. Here in the
Do you know what disease is the second leading cause of deaths after tobacco use in the United States? In the United States, obesity is one of the public health issues that causes thousand of deaths. When a person’s body mass index shows an extremely high number, he or she is considered having obesity. It is important because it is a serious health problem due to mortality and morbidity. In addition, eating many unhealthy food and lacking exercises lead to dangerous chronic illnesses which then leads to premature death. Lifestyle choices contribute to obesity, in general, and can have adverse health outcomes like chronic illnesses and death.
Here in America we have a wide variety of foods but choose the less healthy over the
Obesity in our society continues to grow at an alarming rate. America is the richest country but has the largest population of obese people in the world. “Nearly 36.5% of American’s are obese (Adult Obesity Facts).” It is important to note that obesity is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of “30% or more” (The Socioeconomic Causes of Obesity). People become obese over times for many reasons like feeling there is less of a need to exercise and eat healthy. There are also more fast food selections, which lead to bad eating habits and so on. This causal argument will cover the topic of obesity, why it is important and how it has become major issue in America today. Obesity in America is due to many factors that include: lack of
Obesity is on the rise in America. News articles and scientific reports unanimously agree that America is becoming the most overweight country in the world, and other developing countries are not far behind. In addition, these countries' children are now becoming as overweight as their parents and other adults. Unlike these adults, children seldom have the knowledge and control over their lifestyle to contribute to either health or obesity. Prominent researchers in the field exemplify the need for quick action. They state, "The effects of childhood obesity on morbidity and mortality indicate that effective prevention and therapy for childhood obesity are likely to have a significant impact on adult disease"
Over the past four decades, humans have seen and experienced massive changes. Among those changes is the number of obese people; some even calling it a “Globesity Epidemic”. With over a third of Americans that are obese, almost every American is effected in some way or another. The reasons for this epidemic vary from person to person; genetics, poor dieting, and physical inactivity are all factors that can cause obesity. This crisis has not only affected adults, but is well existent in our children's lives. Accordingly, this paper will explore what caused the spike in obesity, crucial steps in fixing the obesity predicament, and the future health of the next generation.
The many far ranging health problems that stem from obesity can minor such as joint pain all the way to death in some cases. As fat accumulate throughout the body more vessels are needed to supply the new fat with oxygen rich blood. This puts added pressure on the heart and can raise overall blood pressure because of the extra blood having to be pumped throughout the body. Type 2 diabetes is also common among obese people because their bodies can’t make enough insulin to handle all of the sugar. Hearts disease such as Atherosclerosis is ten times more likely to be found in obese people. Atherosclerosis is a build up of fatty plaque in the arteries that restricts blood flow and can lead to a heart attack. With the added weight that comes along with being overweight it adds a lot weight that your bones and joints are not designed for. The added weight on the lungs can put more pressure on the respiratory system making it harder to breather and can make people short of breath. In todays culture where there is a stigma against people who are overweight are sometimes looked down upon and this can take a toile on someone’s psyche and may cause them to slip into
Obesity is an ongoing problem many Americans are struggling with today. Over the past 32 years the bmI level of people 5’4 and over has skyrocketed. America has the highest percent of obese people compared to anywhere else in the world. As a country America is trying to find a way to fix this problem. With the way things are going now it will be tough.There are many factors that contribute America being the most obese country in the world. One of the major factors that contribute to America’s obesity problem is the way technology has changed our world. Technology itself is not the only factor that helps contribute to America's obesity problem but it is one of them that may have a slight correlation to other factors.
People may experience back or joint pain. Also common experiences are overweight, binge eating, fatigue, pot belly, and snoring. Each year obesity-related conditions cost over 150 billion dollars and cause an estimated 300,000 premature deaths in the US. Being overweight causes high blood pressure because the more you weigh, the more blood that needs to supply oxygen and nutrients to your body. Almost 90% of people living with type 2 diabetes are obese. Obesity can also put you at a very high risk of developing cancer, heart disease, joint problems, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, and psychological disadvantages.
There are a tremendous amount of causes for obesity but the main 3 are fast food, food addiction and lack of exercise. In the United States alone there are about 50,000 fast food chains and over 500,000 located around the world. During 2007-2010, adults consumed, on average, 11.3% of their total daily calories from fast food (Caloric intake). Food addiction has had a great impact on obesity in America. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, consuming fewer sugary drinks and high energy dense foods can prevent and reduce obesity. The third cause of obesity is the lack of exercise in America. Some benefits of exercise are lowering blood pressure, reducing cancer risk, reduces body fat and ward off viruses. People often make excuses such as not having time or not having the energy to exercise. “Compared to 40 years ago, people today spend more time commuting, sitting in front of a computer, watching television, playing video games, and generally exercising less.” (NIH 2008). Obesity would not be a problem if people consume less fast food, not over eat and spend an hour a day doing activities involving physical