This cartoon is showing that the cheapest price of obamacare is $20,000. Under
obamacare Americans will be forced to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the
IRS. This image is effectively showing that the doctor doesn 't care about the patient and
just wants the money. This is what obamacare is analyzing in this cartoon. The doctor is
Barack Obama taking taking money from innocent patients. The shorts of the patient
also are the american flag. This symbolizes America as country and showing how
obama is forcing americans to buy health insurance. Also the nervous look on the
patient 's face shows that this plan can add stress to people. This cartoon clearly
showing the purpose of Obamacare, the image is effectively showing that obamacare is
more about income than the health of the citizens of the United States. The characters in the image very effectively show what is going on in America.
The doctor who is supposedly checking up on the patient is President Obama
and the patient is wearing shorts with the image of an American flag. These
characters were chosen because the creator of the cartoon wanted to show how
obamacare works and open the eyes of the people in the United States. Obama was chosen as the doctor in the image because he is the one in charge of the program and
just wants money from innocent people. “Under Obamacare, Americans will be
required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS” said by an article from
Obamacare serves the purpose of expanding health insurance access, protect patients against arbitrary actions by insurance companies, and reduce overall costs. As discussed in the above section, evidence shows that there are many issues in the current healthcare system that warrants a change. These changes will more or less take years to establish in full swing but it is important to start supporting this change now. These changes will pursue an overall improvement of the current healthcare system to the possibility of a sustainable system while ensuring a healthier nation.
When the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, became a law, one of the requirements of that law was that large employers (Obamacare, 2015) i.e., an employer with fifty or greater employees must provide health care for their employees or face penalties (in year 2016 that penalty will be $3,000 per full time employee). In addition, individuals not covered by an employer provided health plan must pay for their own health insurance (HealthCare, 2015), or they will be penalized financially. As stated in (HealthCare, 2015), the penalty is calculated two different ways – as a percentage of your household income, and per person. You’ll pay whichever is higher.
The first main issue that people are concerned with, and that causes confusion, is what will happen to people if they do not get their own health insurance by the time the Act takes effect. In short, they will be fined or penalized (McDonough, 2011). This penalty is seen as
The individuals likely to opt out of insurance are those who are young and healthy. However, without healthy people paying into the system, insurance companies are forced to raise rates for ill patients in order to make a profit. In this situation, those with long-term health conditions may not be able to afford treatment. For example, a family of four could find a monthly plan for as little as $433 with a $0 deductable, but only if they were to receive regular treatment and medication. A plan like this would not cover treatment like chemotherapy, which can cost over $10,000 for a single course. With Obamacare, families can afford to buy insurance that will cover treatments for cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. If Trump succeeds in repealing the ACA it could leave sick patients with no choice but to decide between inevitable death or financial ruin.
Since June 6, 2009, President Barack Obama told the American public multiple times, “If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan.” The public later found out that this was not the case. If your health care plan did not satisfy the minimum federal requirements then you will lose your plan and will have to find another one. House republicans have tried to repeal the bill almost 40 times because they claim it is a major threat to the economic health of the nation. Despite all of the political rhetoric about Obamacare over the past few years, most Americans do not know what it is and how it affects them. While Obamacare does attempt to fix some issues in our healthcare system, it still has not completely fixed the problems at hand. It is an unjust fix and it is far from complete.
Also, there is a high possibility of health insurance lobbying for their favored services to be included in the approved plans. The “Obamacare,” say opponents, imposes a hidden tax where those with health insurance will be required to pay for those without a health plan. “It is a way of taxing healthy people without calling it a tax.”
In order to make insurance affordable to all there were extensive private health insurance regulatory reforms, particularly in the small group and non-group markets, there were tax credits offered to the smallest lowest-wage employers for the purchase of health insurance, there were reductions in cost-sharing associated with recommended preventive care. For example if you signed up with a fitness center you can get a 50% discount on your insurance. The market exchange was established for the purchase of private coverage plus subsidies for the individual purchase of coverage and for the cost-sharing of the modest income. “The affordable care act also expanded the eligibility for the Medicaid program to all non-elderly with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level ($23,000 to $32,000 for a family of four in 2012) starting in 2014, which helped phase out the Medicare prescription drug benefit coverage gap, a.k.a. the “doughnut hole”.” To make sure that everyone is complying with the rule of everyone needs to have healthcare coverage there was a penalty set up for those that failed to comply. The penalty was if you did not have insurance by the set date you will receive a tax penalty that you will have to pay when filling your taxes. There are financial requirements that large- and medium sized
I had an opportunity to interview Dr. Kimberly Brown, a surgeon and professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston Texas. When asked about the Obama-Care system she responded, “There are many aspects of Obama-Care that are well intentioned, but I don't see the benefits the government had promised.” She also said that many of her previously uninsured patients have very high
Obamacare expands Medicaid and created a Health Insurance Marketplace, a universal way to sign up for subsidized health care plans. It makes it easier for low income families to receive benefits from Medicaid and other unsubsidized loans. Over half of uninsured Americans can get free or low cost health insurance, and some can get help on out-of-pocket costs using their state’s Health Insurance Marketplace. Through the Marketplace, though, you can only get certain plans from certain providers, as many of them are unwilling to provide subsidized loans. Protections from Obamacare also ensure that you can’t be dropped from … or denied coverage or treatment for
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a healthcare program created by president Obama’s administration. The goal of the Affordable Care Act is to make sure every United States citizen has health insurance. The Affordable Care Act provides “affordable” health insurance plans to citizens that do not have any and make about $15,000 a year. While the idea of providing health insurance to the millions of American’s that cannot afford it is great, everything comes at a cost. According to Emily Miller, Obamacare is causing people’s health insurance premiums to rise by around 1 to 9 percent (Miller 15-15). Not only are insurance premiums rising, but ever since the Supreme Court declared the Affordable Care Act constitutional approximately 20 tax hikes have been approved (Battersby). All the aforementioned reasons are helping pay for Obamacare. Although providing health insurance for people that cannot afford it is important, the Affordable Care Act should be revoked because it will hurt the economy.
“For 2016, the penalty is $695 per adult and $347.50 per child under 18 (up to a maximum of $2,085 per family), or 2.5% of household income, whichever is greater. In other words, the $695 amount is a floor for individuals, not a ceiling. You must make a payment for each household member who you claim as a dependent. The penalty amount will be indexed for inflation each year starting in 2017. For prior years, the penalties are:
While the Obamacare act has both pros and cons, people are likely to support it or disagree to it on account of the perspective that they see things from. In spite of the fact that the act involves a series of benefits, it is difficult and almost impossible for one to ignore the fact that it is likely to cause a significant shortage of healthcare professionals and that it is also probable to cause an increase in drug prices.
The United States has fought in many wars throughout the years. The Korean War took place from 1950-1953. It has also been called the forgotten war, as people do not recognize it like the Second World War, the Vietnam War or the Gulf War. This battle consisted of North Korea, South Korea and the United States. It was fought on sea, land and air. The Korean War was a clash between the Communist forces and the free world.
After one of the most grueling presidential races in American history, the populous candidate Donald Trump has been elected by the American people as our next president. While campaigning, one of the first things that Trump vowed to accomplish in office was to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act ( Trump should have no trouble doing this with the support of both the Republican senate and the Republican House. The consequences of what exactly will be done is a constantly argued topic and the phrase “repeal and replace Obamacare” has become a sort of buzzword in the media.
My topic is about skin cancer and this is one of the worst disease. 80 % of the people are in risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is a very common disease. If you get skin cancer you will get red spot on your body. This disease spreads abnormal cells though your body.