
Obamacare Speech Outline

Satisfactory Essays

The Affordable Care Act
Domenique Wickham
07 March 2017
• Purpose: To inform my audience about on the positive and negative effect the Affordable Care Act has on Americans.

• Discussion: Many Americans are unsure of how The Affordable Care Act is benefiting or hurting the general population.

• Intro: The purpose of my speech is to give background on the Affordable Care Act and why it was passed. Many republicans believe The ACA (Affordable Care Act) or commonly known as Obamacare will hurt us as a country without factoring that this form of health care is out to help the greater good. Obamacare is catering to the general lower class and young adults population; the population who are receiving minimum wage to sustain, for those who cannot afford to …show more content…

People under 25 make up the majority of uninsured in the US. b) What are the limitation of the care?
1. People who have prolonged health issues will not run out of coverage with Obamacare.
2. Obamacare covers a variety of screenings and preventive services that will help patients in the long run to avoid or delay major health problems. 3. The negative effect of Obamacare:
a) The negative effects of the affordable care act are how much the government involve in health care.
1. Due to the need of Obamacare, there are new taxes were created to help pay these expenses including taxes on medical device and pharmaceutical sales.
2. Republicans believes Obamacare will destroy the number of full-time jobs within the US.
b) Who actually qualifies for Obamacare?
1. Majority of uninsured people are illegal immigrants and the ACA does not provide benefits for them.
2. One of the basis for Obamacare is to provide insurance all year around, however, for those that are uninsured, they can risk the possibility of being fined.

• Conclusion: In the end I hope you’ve learned the positive and negative effect the Affordable Care Act has on America’s working class and how you can benefit from

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