
OCD Preventable

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OCD Is OCD Preventable and Is There a Cure? Julia Pettis Caledonia- Mumford Is OCD Preventable and Is There a Cure? Julia Pettis Caledonia- Mumford Not only is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder unpreventable, but is often said to have no cure, or at least no cure for everyone affected. However, a cure could and probably will come out in the near future that will positively affect the majority of those suffering from this condition. This would be created by changing either a patient’s levels of glutamate or by changing a brain receptor called mGluR5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental condition causing a person to have unwanted and repeated thoughts, or obsessions, which cause them to feel compelled to do something to …show more content…

OCD, however, is often seen as incurable, but rather improvable, in the same way a condition such as diabetes would be. The most common form of therapy to treat a patient with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT for short. The idea of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to change the way a person thinks by changing their perspective. By changing a patient’s thoughts, it is supposed to change the way they feel, so they don’t sense the urge to complete compulsive …show more content…

This disorder is highly distressing, causing a person to repeat things in their head, and feel the need to rid them by performing compulsions, or by behaving in a strange and uncomfortable way. These compulsions may be in the form of doubting oneself and double checking things, washing themselves constantly, creating superstitions, hording, something else, or a combination of all these things. OCD is unpreventable in any way, shape, or form. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is typically said to have no cure when detected, but is often able to be treated with the use of therapy, and possibly the use of medication. The issue with these medications is they often have no effect, if not a negative one, and there is no way to ensure what the outcome of taking a prescription will be. Fortunately, research is now finding a new cause for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and linking the cause of it with a possible cure. This cure would be completely effective and cause a patient to be relieved of their uncomfortable symptoms forever. The idea of this could give hope to those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder today that they will someday no longer have to deal with the anxiety it creates. Until a cure is found, those who have this mental illness and work toward maintaining it through therapy, medication, or a combination of the two, can in almost all cases live relatively

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