
O & T Co. Essay

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Organization Background O&T Co., is a private global engineering consulting firm with about 680 employees in 35 offices and 7 countries around America, Europe, Middle East, and the Pacific Rim. The company started in 1945 by Mr. Towfeless after World War II, when the construction industry shifted back to civil infrastructure and commercial development. The company provides practical solutions to clients in the transportation, energy, environmental, federal, urban development, and marine terminal markets in all countries. They have expertise in structural, civil, and coastal engineering. O&T Co. remodels marine design and construction; not just piers, wharves, and roads. Structure The organization has a bureaucratic structure. Roles are hierarchically arranged with a single chain of command from top to bottom of the organization (Senior, & Fleming, 2006, p.74). Duties are carried out impersonally in conformity with defined rules. O&T Co. follows the hierarchy principle and separation of members in the different subgroups. Also, centralization and traditionalism are common structures within the company. The number of procedures understood is less than the number of written ones (Senior, & Fleming, 2006, p.73). Culture The organization is based more on a power culture. Managers dominate employees and push policies down to subordinates. Furthermore, decisions are influenced by politics rather than a logical process. Power is held by managers, but the strength is weak. At

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