
Nutrition : Correlation Between The Percentage Of Salt

Decent Essays

Mathematical Exploration
Nutrition: Correlation between the percentage of salt in food and their calories
Fee-Kristin Thuir

- Design

o Introduction...................................................................................p.3 o Hypothesis .....................................................................................p.3 o Aim.....................................................................................................p.3 o Nutrition Labels...........................................................................p.4

- Collected data

o Food that contain salt................................................................p.5
• High- salt food
• Food that can be high in salt o Data …show more content…

Moreover Calories also play an important role in a health-conscious nutrition. Calories are a unit to measure energy in our food, it is sometimes written in kilocalories (kcal) or in Kilojoules (kj). The majority are focused on Calories and how many Calories they are allowed to take in. The Average amount of Calories a man needs per day is 2500 kcal, women in contrast need an average of 2000 kcal. Nevertheless the amount of calories needed differs from person to person.

To decrease your intake of salt you don 't have to cut back the amount of salt you add to your food, because most of the salt we are taking in ( -75%) is already in food, such as bread, breakfast cereal and ready meals which we are eating everyday.
To really cut down, you need to become aware of the salt that is already in foods you buy, and choose lower-salt options.

Therefore my Research Question was developed:

How does the percentage of salt in food affect the calories?

It is supported by the following Hypothesis:

The amount of salt, which is in food or meals, affects their calories.

The aim of my Exploration was to prove my Hypothesis right

In my Exploration I will use the Bivariate Analysis. The bivariate analysis is competent with the relationship between two pairs of variables in a data set and how they affect each other. It succeeds through data collection and comparison of the independent and

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