
Nursing Professionalism Essay

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Nursing Professionalism XXXXX Nursing XXXX Professor XXXXX XXXXX, 2012 Abstract Professionalism is a dynamic combination of several aspects of nursing. I think that the cores of nursing professionalism is caring and serving. This article examines the concept of professionalism in nursing along with my personal decision to enter this field. I got into the nursing profession because I wanted to help people and be able to advocate for their needs. Through my experience, I realize that nursing is a profession, not just a job. The article by LaSala and Nelson supports that nursing professionalism encompasses more than just professional appearance and should be considered in a variety of different settings, including the job interview …show more content…

I liked the idea that the nurse could be directly involved in the client care and decision making process. I decided that I wanted work in a position where I could advocate and have more control over patient case, so I decided to return to school. I continued to work as a medical assistant as took my prerequisite classes. The longer I worked as a registered medical assistant, the more confirmation I got that I wanted more decision-making responsibility and more exposure to the clinical aspect of client care. I initially wanted to obtain my bachelor’s degree in nursing, but I realized that I would be able to actually practice as a nurse sooner if I obtained by associates degree in nursing (ADN). I was always very vocal to my family and friends, that my associate’s degree was just to get my foot in the door and start practicing, but ultimately, I wanted to obtain my nurse practitioner’s license. So, when I decided to re-enroll in the RN to BSN program, it did not come as a surprise to any of my family or friends. I generally work with two other nurses at my job. My immediate supervisor, who has been a practicing RN for over 20 years, fully supports my decision to obtain my bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN). In fact, I believe that my pursuit of a BSN has inspired her to do the same. The other nurse I work with does not understand why I would “waste” my time in obtaining my nurse practitioner’s license. She appears

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