Nurses are among the largest group in healthcare. If there is a disaster, having the nursing profession on board is important because of the positive impact that could be felt. There is no standardized training for nurses on disaster planning (Gebbie & Qureshi, 2002). So, involving nurses in the disaster assessment and preparedness plan would be helpful so that there can be buy-in from one of the largest groups that is going to be involved. This hospital has done a great job of preparing for disaster and used these plan correctly. The hospital was having several drills per year and made sure that all personal was involved including administration ( Hamlin, 2015).
A community needs assessment is where individuals examine the current policies and systems that are available and in place, in an organization. With this data collected and utilized correctly individuals would be able to develop strategies on the best way to utilize the communities resources (CDC, 2013). A couple of focus points that could be concentrated on for the assessment are access to food & shelter, access to emergency care, and what kind of communication can be used. It would also be important for someone in
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Change takes time and would be more successful if there is buy-in for the organization and community. Making sure that there is a mutual vision for the reason of the change may make these changes easier.
CDC. (2013). Community Needs Assessment. Retrieved from
Gebbie, K., & Qureshi, K. (2002). Emergency and Disaster Preparedness: Core Competencies for Nurses: What every nurse should but may not know. American Journal of Nursing, 102(1), 46-51. Retrieved from
Preparedness Efforts is preparedness activities prepare the community to respond when a disaster does occur. Typical preparedness measures include medical personnel for the emergency services and for community volunteer groups. The medical facility will need to have the proper medical vehicles, equipment, supplies, and communications systems, and regularly training
Whenever a disaster strikes an unsuspecting community, from natural weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes to the manmade catastrophes caused by contamination, local community health nurses become a lifeline for stricken victims, providing medical care, basic sanitation, and nutritional sustenance. While treating the ailments of the sick and dressing the wounds of the injured are the chief priorities for any nursing professional, community health nurses typically administer care within a close-knit population group, and this familiarity often requires the offering of spiritual support as well. The immediate aftermath of any major disaster, whether natural or manmade, is a chaotic time when panic, fear, and uncertainty can easily run rampant, and community health nurses must prepare themselves to handle the nonmedical aspects of assisting patients through their recovery. Setting aside one's personal views on organized religion or faith, alleviating a patient's outward symptoms can only be effective to a certain point when they are grieving for the sudden loss of a loved one, or contemplating an uncertain future after their property and
Techniques that were used or could have been used to calm the fears of the people interviewed are to use short and concise statements. Perform active listening and confirm statements by repeating it back to the person being spoken with, use confrontation avoidance, and De-escalation. The other nursing personnel could be prepared to help in responding to a similar emergency with a much larger affected area (e.g., the effect of Hurricane Katrina). Through the development of a well-organized disaster response plan. Public health staff requires National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. Emergency preparedness training should be performed at least every six months. There needs to be a method of communication in case power lines, towers and electricity are
In day to day operations, uncertainties do occur. Henceforth it would be important to have a contingent and well detailed disaster preparedness plan and procedures. Healthcare systems, on a day to day basis, are faced with emergencies in form of disasters. As a result, majority of medical centers have well-structured exit plans in the event of a disaster occurring("Hospital Disaster Preparedness: Your Guide to Getting Started - Emergency Preparedness", 2011). However, this essay will aim at interviewing one of the top disaster preparedness staffat the Houston Methodist Hospital. In the interview, I will seek to identify the top three disasters that the Houston Methodist Hospital is prepared for. Similarly, in the interview, I would seek to identify the top lessons learnt from disaster preparedness at the hospitals.As it concludes it would summarize the findings with regards to the interview stated below. Below is an excerpt from the interview to answer the two aforementioned questions.
CDC has a goal to reduce potential outbreaks of the preventable disease in a large group setting from the disaster with the use of vaccines (CDC, 2013). The public nurse is educating those communities regarding the importance of strengthening their immune system with receiving vaccines. The community and individuals will also be education on where to get the vaccines and how to manage themselves after vaccination for the event of the second complication. The community health nurses have a central role in providing prevention of disease and promotion health education after catastrophic like an earthquake.
“A disaster is an event that is a natural or man-made occurrence that can disrupt or destroy the lives of those it affects” (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). “Management of a disaster includes four phases; prevention, preparedness, response and recovery” (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). To date there have been 154 hospital-based shootings, which resulted in 235 dead or injured. (C.Catlett, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to identify emergency preparedness and response to hospital based shootings, and the role of the public health nurse in such a disaster.
Problems resulting from disasters linger for quite some time after the acute phase in a disaster and victims may have issues arise that they were not aware of initially. Community health nurses are often a primary point of contact for many of these situations and must be prepared for various problems. Sometimes, they are called on to simply reassure the victim that they are not alone in the situation and that help will continue to come. When a nurse allows a victim to discuss their concerns, the nurse can quickly expedite referrals to the appropriate area if it is out of their scope of practice. Occasionally, just having the validation and reassurance from a professional instills hope that things will get better soon. In the situation where the
The most important aspect in managing a disaster situation is preparedness. The simulation Disaster in Franklin County highlights the role of public health personnel, with emphasis on the public health nurse because the nurse is often a first responder to such a disaster. This helps to examine the roles, actions, coping methods, and techniques used by a nurse in a disaster scenario.
The disaster nurses are known to be more professional in nursing skills to meet the nursing physical needs that results from the disaster. They mainly focus on health of communities and the entire population. This paper analyzes the role of major public health personnel and public health nurse in disaster management, with particular interest in the flood event occasioned by a tornado. It also describes chain of commands used in simulation for community health nurse and actions that can be taken by the community health nurse to solve the situation after disaster.
Ineffective breathing pattern related to decreased oxygen saturation, poor tissue perfusion, obesity, decreased air entry to bases of both lungs, gout and arthritic pain, decreased cardiac output, disease process of COPD, and stress as evidenced by shortness of breath, BMI > 30 abnormal breathing patterns (rapid, shallow breathing), abnormal skin colour (slightly purplish), excessive diaphoresis, nasal flaring and use of accessory muscles, statement of joint pain, oxygen saturations of 85-95% 2L NP, immobility 95% of the day, and adventitious sounds throughout lungs (crackles) secondary to CHF, hypertension, pain caused by gout and arthritis, and obesity
“Call to Action: Nurses as Leaders in Disaster Preparedness and Response” was a workshop that was assembled in Los Angeles by VEMEC. The workshop was structured into four sessions. The first session was presenting the audience with the essential background and history of disaster nursing. The second session concentrated on cultivating a vision for the future of disaster nursing. The third session involved four panel discussions focused on disaster nursing education, policy, practice, and research. The fourth session was a recap of the discussions throughout the day (Veenema et al.,
After high school, I plan to become a registered nurse. To accomplish this goal of mine, I will attend a university after high school ends. My ACT scores were high enough to make it into UNO and Southeastern but I am choosing Southeastern due to their nursing program. The courses in college needed for this profession include basic nutrition, chemistry, psychology, human anatomy, physiology, human development, microbiology, nursing science, pharmacology, and communication. To pay my way through college, I will continue to take the ACT to improve my score for TOPS and I will also rely on FAFSA. I will not work the first year of attending college because I want to focus on my studies but once I get used to everything and become stable, I plan
Change is inevitable. Changing is not always welcomed but it is necessary for organizations to maintain their place in the world. Successful organizations thrive because they have a vision, a mission
The case study describes initiatives for emergency and disaster planning, education and training programs, development of logistical solutions by the Yale New Haven Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster response. Established in 2002 by the Yale New Haven Health System, the center’s core mission is the development and deliverance of healthcare services that ensure proper healthcare capacity and coordinated response for emergencies and disasters. Yale New Health System’s five objectives include but are not limited to: identification of emergency preparedness; effective response to emergencies and disasters; providing leadership to healthcare delivery
During a disaster happens, healthcare workers are one of the first to respond (Achora & Kamanyire, 2016). It is important for nurses to know where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be there, and what they are supposed to do once they get there. With having a well thought out plan in place it not only reduces anxiety on healthcare worker but to the public as well, in turn having better outcomes.