
Nursing Preparedness Plan

Decent Essays

Nurses are among the largest group in healthcare. If there is a disaster, having the nursing profession on board is important because of the positive impact that could be felt. There is no standardized training for nurses on disaster planning (Gebbie & Qureshi, 2002). So, involving nurses in the disaster assessment and preparedness plan would be helpful so that there can be buy-in from one of the largest groups that is going to be involved. This hospital has done a great job of preparing for disaster and used these plan correctly. The hospital was having several drills per year and made sure that all personal was involved including administration ( Hamlin, 2015).
A community needs assessment is where individuals examine the current policies and systems that are available and in place, in an organization. With this data collected and utilized correctly individuals would be able to develop strategies on the best way to utilize the communities resources (CDC, 2013). A couple of focus points that could be concentrated on for the assessment are access to food & shelter, access to emergency care, and what kind of communication can be used. It would also be important for someone in …show more content…

Change takes time and would be more successful if there is buy-in for the organization and community. Making sure that there is a mutual vision for the reason of the change may make these changes easier.
CDC. (2013). Community Needs Assessment. Retrieved from
Gebbie, K., & Qureshi, K. (2002). Emergency and Disaster Preparedness: Core Competencies for Nurses: What every nurse should but may not know. American Journal of Nursing, 102(1), 46-51. Retrieved from

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