
Nursing Admissions Essay: A Career As A Nurse

Decent Essays

Throughout my childhood, I was entranced by the medical field. The human body and all its capabilities fascinated me. I knew from a very young age that the health care profession was the place for me. However, also at this young, naive age, I was determined to not “just become a nurse”. My generation has grown up in the era of girl power. We have been taught that women can accomplish all that men can. Therefore, the feminist inside me decided nursing was not enough. I thought anyone can be a nurse. I wanted to become a surgeon or an OBGYN. I desperately yearned to shatter this “glass ceiling” everyone was talking about. I wanted to accomplish what generations of women before me were unable to do due to lack of opportunity. Therefore, I registered for the only pre-health sciences track at our high school, the CNA series of classes. I thought I didn’t want to be a nurse, but I knew these classes would provide me with great experience within health care facilities. Through these classes, I was able to work in a hospital and a nursing home, and truly observe for the first time what nursing is all about. Before my first hand experiences with …show more content…

I witnessed that the hospital ran off the will of its nurses, and that doctors desperately needed the nurses in order to do their job. The nurses weren’t the doctors’ assistants, they were their foundation. The nurses were the first line of defense, the face of comfort for patients and their families, and the advocates who fought for their patients relentlessly. They were warriors and nurturers all at the same time. They were, and still are everything I want to become. To say someone is “just” a nurse is an extreme contradiction. There is nothing simple or easy about nursing. Nursing requires your whole heart and mind. It is complex, and most importantly, it is purposeful. You face new challenges and make a difference in someone’s life each day, and that is exactly why I am so drawn to this

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