
Nurse To Patient Ratio

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Close your eyes and imagine a world without nurses, scary right. Nurses have a crucial role in the healthcare system today. Health care is forever changing and our nurses are now on the frontline more than ever before. Nurses, are in demand. However, even though there are many vacant nursing spots, and many nurses, no applications are being filled. Why? The shortage of nurses is directly related to the increase in patient workloads, patient and nurse safety, job dissatisfaction and burnout. Our patients, as well as our nurses are suffering more than ever before. State-mandated staffing ratios are necessary to ensure the safety of patients and nurses. Each day we are losing nurses to other professions and causing more harm than good to our patients. Nurses are overworked; they are burn out and are dissatisfied with their job. Adequate nurse staffing is key to patient care and nurse retention. I am concerned that the nurse to patient ratios are increasing within the State of Indiana, endangering our patients, as well as driving nurses from their profession. …show more content…

The State of Indiana does not have mandated nurse to patient ratios at this time; so I propose that all hospitals in the State of Indiana should have mandated specific nurse to patient ratios based off acuity to better care for the patients and to protect all

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