
Nurse Recruitment And Patient Assessment

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Nurse recruitment and patient fulfilment remain critical worries for nurse leaders and administrators as these concerns are openly connected to nursing management. Quality and outcome measurement are treasured structures of defining the inspiration of nurse staffing and reaching the preferred patient outcome objectives. Given the connection amongst nurse staffing and quality of care and the association between quality of care and patient and or employee satisfaction, two theories stand out as critical elements; nurse staffing and patient outcomes of nursing care (ANA,2017). This paper will discuss the thoughts of two staff nurses whom were interviewed on their thoughts on unit staffing. Organization’s Policies and Procedures for Staffing …show more content…

Although, the nurses are not providing bedside care, they are the first responders to an occupational injury scene. They also respond to the area of a sick employee. The occupational facility has emergency response team members throughout the plant and on every shift. These team members respond to the call for help. They show up at the scene and assist the staff clinic nurse with whatever assistance may be needed. Each member is unlicensed and has no prior healthcare background. Interview and Analysis This section of the paper will reflect interviews from various staff nurses. The first interview is with an as needed nurse. The second interview is with the weekend day shift to evening shift part-time nurse. Each nurse was asked the same question. The nurses were asked if they believe the unit usually has adequate staffing? This interview was conducted with Jameka Merrit, LPN and clinic nurse for one year. The clinic nurse was asked if they believe the unit usually has adequate staffing? Merrit, J. (personal communication, March 23, 2017), stated that she is employed as an as needed nurse. She went on to state that she feels like she is needed more than she is being used. She stated that on the days she come in, she is very busy. According to Merrit (personal communication, March 23, 2017), she has to perform hearing test, pulmonary function test, assess employees blood pressure

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