Windshield Survey Reflection
Jessica O.
NUR/405 Healthy Communities: Theory and Practice
March 28th, 2016
Cynthia Januale
Community can be defined in many ways. According to Meriam Webster (n.d), there are 12 different ways that community can be defined. Community can best be defined as “a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood)” ("Community," n.d). To most people, community is the area and people that surround the place they live and/or work. Community health is defined by Stanhope and Lancaster (2014) as “the meeting of collective needs through identification of problems and management of behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society.” Community as
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Being stuck inside a home all winter with lack of activity and social interaction can actually be detrimental to people’s health, especially vulnerable populations such as senior citizens. The citizens are also able to freely get outdoors and get exercise due to the safety and security of the city. Not only is it a low crime city, but the city has made many trails and bike lanes throughout the city to enable its’ citizens to enjoy all the beauty the city has to offer. Another aspect of the city that can affect residents’ health is the fact that it is the base of the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. This can cause an increase in smog conditions because the smog tends to stack up against the mountains when there is not enough of an off-shore flow of wind to remove the smog. This can affect allergies, asthma and can also cause other respiratory problems.
Nutrition, physical activity and obesity is one of the Healthy People 2020 leading health indicators that is relevant to the community. As previously mentioned the city of La Verne offers a wide variety of exercise and outdoor activity opportunities such as community exercise classes, bike lanes and walking trails, as well as a safe environment for its’ citizens to be able to exercise outdoors. It also has gyms such as LA Fitness that provide an indoor workout area for its’ citizens. The city has many grocery stores with fresh produce as well as a fruit stand
Community is defined as a group a people living in an area under the same conditions. Realistically, a community is so much more than this definition. It is people and their different beliefs that form a community. In the town of Milagro, Amarante Cordova, Ruby Archuleta, and a town coming together to rescue a fellow community member from jail exemplify the true spirit of what community is.
Altered nutrition, more than the body requirements related to consumption of excess calories as evidence by the
Community A community is a group of people interacting in a meaningful way with regard to something they share in common. It used to be that a community, in order to function as a group and interact, had to be in the same geographic location or at least within driving distance. Since the internet has now become so widely available we find that people with common interests and goals are reaching across vast distances to interact with each other. There is even language translation software available that can translate other languages into one's own.
A community is where a group of people with many different backgrounds are united by one common thing. College and universities think putting young adults on a campus where they eat, sleep and learn together will make them become one community. Communities are made from within not from outside forces smashing people together. Florida Atlantic has many communities inside of it created by people who have the same interests in life. FAU doesn't have one set community as a whole because they are mostly characterized into different smaller groups and when brought together they form smaller cliques that don't usually interact.
What is a community?A community to me is a group of people who watch out for each other.The Novel the Outsiders shows the community by having each others backs.They get their community from providing protection.Their community is love;Their love is a special bond.
A community is one or more people with a common goal or interest than not only affects them but the world around them. Community size can range from two people to a thousand or beyond that. The Rhode Island community is large, and you might not know everyone but you have a common goal. It can be to improve jobs in Rhode Island or to gather trash around your area. Respect is needed in every community even if you are not very fond of the person.
The Community is defined based on individual perception. It is often described as societal structure which recognized individuals or groups of people living together; people in a particular environment. However, it also reflects groups of people who share a common interest; neighborhoods, housing are communities within a large physical environment. The sub communities that makes up the larger environment composed of race, culture, ethnicity, professional ties, and interest. For example, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, the medical community, the Haitian community, and the elderly community. The HIV/AIDS patients are considered a community too.
The best way to define a community will never be clear. You have your own feelings on communities and our thoughts on it will always be different from everyone else's. Everyone has a different perspective on communities, it is endless. All of the definitions relate to what I think about a community. Community to me means “home”. A community is where I have grown up and learned important life lessons. The things that matter most to me in my community are my family, my
The definition of community when I google it, is “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” I would describe community as a group of people who have common goals, thoughts, or interests.
A community is a place where people around supposed to be able to live and thrive together. When one thinks of a community, the image that most likely is visualized is one of a place where each person lives harmoniously with all the other members of that community. While this may be the typical image of a community, it is not the realistic view. In reality communities can share both good and bad aspects. In Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century Peter Dreier, John Mollenkopf, and Todd Swanstrom make the argument that the place a person lives ultimately matters over all else; the place which a person lives effects the choices that that he/she makes and determines his/her ability to obtain a
A community is a group of people that share a common or similar characteristic with each other. Some communities can also consist of people living together or practice worship. My essay will include the communities that I am part of which are my dance, school and church communities.
There are two basic types of community: community that is defined by geography, and community that is defined by trans-geographic variables. An example of community that is defined by geography would be a neighborhood or residential area. Houses clustered together share a common space. The local economy with local businesses is also considered to be a part of the neighborhood community. Members of the community are stakeholders in the health of the community, and have shared interest in the common spaces in the neighborhood.
A community is a group of people who live in the same area, interact with each other, and share certain norms and values. A community is defined as a locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting societal institutions, informal groups, and aggregates that are interdependent and whose function or expressed intent is to meet a wide variety of collective needs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012).
According to Feverbee, there are five different types of communities (Feverbee, 2015). The five types are communities are interest, action, place, practice, and circumstance. Interest is people sharing the same interest or passion. Action is people trying to bring about change. Place is where people are brought together by geographic boundaries. Practice are people in the same profession or undertake the same activities. Circumstance are people brought together by external events/ situations. All these different types of communities are the purposes that brings the community together (Feverbee, 2015). All these purposes are
Throughout my life, I have been privileged to know a strong sense of community. My understanding of community has been carved out and shaped by each community that I have been a part of and the subsequent life experiences that I have had by being a part of these communities. To me, community means a sense of belonging with people who have some capacity of like-mindedness. When you belong to a community, you feel like a piece of a larger puzzle that comes together to create a whole. Each community you belong to both influences you, and is influenced by you. Moreover, your belonging to a community generates a sense of unity and shares a common goal, value, or outlook.