
Number The Stars Annemarie Quotes

Decent Essays

Annemarie’s Adventure

In Number the Stars Annemarie displays great characteristics of cleverness, courage, and

thoughtfulness. She constantly shows cleverness throughout the war. Her cleverness leads to

her courage which is relentless. She embraces thoughtfulness to her family and friends in the

war also. Her traits of cleverness, courage, and thoughtfulness are extremely important to the

protection of her family and friends in the war and throughout Number the Stars.

Annemarie embraces her cleverness throughout the story very well. She was cautiously

wise when the Nazi Soldiers were about to walk in to her room to look for Jews. Her best

friend, Ellen, was with her when the soldiers came. Annemarie quickly took off …show more content…

She hoped they would think of her just as a dumb little girl, trying to return her uncle’s lunch to

him. These are two very good examples of her cleverness in Number the Stars.

Annemarie’s courage is ceaseless throughout the war. It took a lot of courage to take

Uncle Henrick’s handkerchief to him through the dark woods. She probably knew there were

soldiers in the woods, but she didn’t care because she was courageous. She shows courage

greatly in Number the Stars which was influential for helping her family and friends.

Annemarie’s best trait was probably her thoughtfulness. She was always kind to her

family and friends. It was very thoughtful of Annemarie to take in Ellen, and treat her as a sister

so quickly. She would protect her like family. She was also thoughtful when she would play

dolls and tell Kirsti bedtime stories. She displayed her thoughtfulness vastly in Number the

From the beginning to the end of Number the Stars Annemarie exhibited traits of

cleverness, courage, and thoughtfulness. She was always clever and quick-minded. Her courage

was always from her heart and she just did what she had to do to protect her family

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