

Satisfactory Essays

The Nucleophosmin gene encodes a diverse, nucleolar multifunctional protein Nucleophosmin. Nucleophosmin is found abundantly in highly proliferative cells which suggests it may have a role in determining cell fate. It is specifically localized in granular regions of the nucleoli but it has the ability to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm, which may explain its diverse functionality. It is believed to be involved in several important processes including, ribosome biogenesis, protein chaperoning, cell proliferation, assembly of histones, centrosome duplications, chromatin remodeling and regulation of certain tumor suppressor pathways including the ARF/p53 pathways.
Mutations in the NpM1 gene are often due to translocation of the locus in chromosomes and mutated NpM1 has been characterized in a range of cancers suggesting it may be a tumour suppressor and oncogene. …show more content…

(2011?) have an important role in maintaining the stem cell fate of dividing cells. It has also been found that these three transcription factors form complexes with nucleophosmin (to?) but it is unknown whether nucleophosmin can determine cell fate alone or whether it may just be acting as a chaperone of these transcription factors to prevent degradation or translocation for example. It would be of interest to know if nucleophosmin has a causative role in determining cell fate without the presence of other transcription

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