
Nuclear Waste Policy Analysis

Decent Essays

In 1987, the U.S. Congress passed the Amendments to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act that designated Yucca Mountain 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas as the top site to store nuclear waste from across the country.

For the last 30 years, the project has faced a strong opposition from Nevada officials and many residents of the state, while nuclear power interests, utility companies, and some Congress members have been supportive of it. In 2002, Congress and President George W. Bush approved Yucca Mountain as the first geologic repository for storage of spent fuel and high-level waste, and the licensing began in 2008. After the Obama administration at the urging of then-U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, mothballed the proposed plan to entomb the nation’s nuclear waste in a remote Nevada desert in 2010, the proposed repository was presumed dead. …show more content…

In 2013, a federal appeals court has ordered the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to restart the licensing proceeding for Yucca Mountain.

While proponents of Yucca Mountain say that the project could boost the economy of the state of Nevada, many scientific, safety, regulatory and political challenges to the project remain to this day. The state of Nevada filed over 200 technical and legal challenges including environmental, safety and transportation concerns to the project.

The future of the project now rests on the Trump administration. In January, it allocated $120 million for restart of the licensing of Yucca Mountain in the budget blueprint. However, the final action on the budget is yet to be

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