
Nuclear Energy Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Ontario's increasing commitment to utilize nuclear energy as a clean, sustainable energy source for the province and rest of the country has in uenced my interest in the eld of Radiological Health Physics and Nuclear Engineering. Through completion of this Master's of Nuclear Engineering program through the
University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE), I seek to gain a thorough understanding of the eld of nuclear engineering and it's applications in nuclear power plant operations and safety. This program can provide me with the advanced education that can enhance my quali cations and competency in my current position at Ontario Power Generation (OPG) as a Radiological Health Physicist (HP).
As a recent university graduate, I believe …show more content…

It has broadened my general understanding of the nuclear industry throughout the rest of the world.
As observed in other forms of power generation, an important aspect of nuclear energy is society's percep- tion of the nuclear industry's long-term e ects and impact on the environment and surrounding communities.
For nuclear energy, these issues manifest themselves mainly in the long{term storage of low- and high-level waste, such as contaminated gloves or spent uranium fuel rods, and release of harmful airborne radioactive materials into the environment. Solving these issues involve expertise in both o and on{site radiation mon- itoring, as well as expertise in engineered safety measures such as nuclear euent monitoring. Generally my research interests involve improving current radiation safety and protection practices at nuclear power plants as well as improving and automating existing nuclear technology and methods to reduce potential radiolog- ical hazards involved with operating a nuclear power plant. With recent public interest in long-term storage of radioactive waste in deep geological repositories, it would be bene cial to have a strong background in radioactive waste

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