
Nt1330 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Essay

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Q4: What are the 5 of authentications available? List them form least secure to most secure, while designing SQL Server’s Object level security? You are also required to fill in the classification field in the following table based on the security topology of Active directory running on a SQL server.
Requirement Classification
Login security must be integrated with active directory Server Level
It must be possible to deny a particular login access to the server if necessary Server Lev el
Developers must have read only access to production database system Database level or schema level, depending on the design of the database
Service accounts must be unique for each instance/service combination. Service level
No user should own any tables. Schema level

Developer should be …show more content…

Password Policy: Password policies for SQL Server logins can be compulsory only when the case is installed on windows server 2003 or 2008.
a) Password complexity: - This helps to successfully break the password for a password of letters and third-party software cannot be known by the combo numbers to be.
b) Password expiration:- Trout password Ding document will be used to fight the password life. When operating the password has expired package SQL Server, it reminded to change old passwords that are divided into customer hears, recording and password.
c) Policy Enforcement:- How to apply the password policy can be configured separately for each SQL Server connection. Use ALTER LOGIN to determine the password policy option for the SQL Server access.
Encryption policy: It uses the secret encryption key of the strategy of resistance data. This plan, gives or is meaningless without notice, or a fine. So safety data control always improves disaster limitation, you understand. Be randomly shuffled arranged in the host computer database is useless, for example, it is possible that the data is stolen; it is classified as a software engineer.

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