
Nt1310 Unit 7 Exercise 1

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(b) Redirection with modified hop count: This type of attack is targeted against the AODV protocol in which a malicious node can increase the chances that they are included on a newly created route by resetting the hop count field of a RREQ packet to zero. [17] (c) Denial of Service with modified source routes: This attack is possible against DSR which uses source routes and works as follows - in figure 3.3, assume that a shortest path exists from S to X. Also assume that C and X cannot hear each other, that nodes B and C cannot hear each other, [17]and that M is a malicious node attempting a denial-of-service attack. Suppose S sends a data packet to X with the source route S-A-B-C-D-X. If M intercepts this packet, removes D from the list and forwards it to C, C will attempt to forward this packet to X which is not possible since C cannot hear X. Thus M has successfully launched a DoS attack on X.[17] …show more content…

A malicious node can impersonate or spoof the address of another node in order to alter the vision of the network topology as perceived by another node. Such attacks can result in the formation of loops as described below [18] (a) Formation of loops by spoofing: As shown in figure 1.4 [13], assume that path exists from A to X. Further let’s assume that A can hear B and D (which means that A is in the radio range of B and D), B can hear A and C; D can hear A and C; and C can hear B,

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