
Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1

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1) Encryption can take place at several different layers of the protocol stack. Does encryption make sense at level 1 (the Physical Layer): Yes , it makes a sense in the physical layer. It is used for radio communication but yeah mostly in miltary grade radio communication. For instance , there might be a blank noise while being actual communication. Such a encoding does not process bytes it directly processes the electromagnetic waves so encryption need to be implemented at physical layer. 2) Difference between encryption at level 2 and at level 3: Data Link Layer encrytion encrypts all the data along a specific communication path, as in a satellite link, T3 line, or telephone circuit. Not only is the user information encrypted, but the …show more content…

As switches focus is on providing LAN connectivity, the majority of threats come from inside the organisation itself. Layer 2 attacks may also include MAC flooding or ARP poisoning. In order to mitigate these risks, it is imperative network switches are hardened. Additional controls may include ARP inspection, disabling unused ports and enforcing effective security on VLAN’s to prevent VLAN hopping. OSI model Layer 3 attacks Layer 3 is the network layer and utilises multiple common protocols to perform routing on the network. Protocols consist of the Internet Protocol (IP), packet sniffing and DoS attacks such as Ping floods and ICMP attacks. Because of their layer 3 nature, these types of attacks can be performed remotely over the Internet while layer 2 attacks primarily come from the internal LAN. To reduce the risk of these types of attacks, routers should be hardened, packet filtering controls should be used and routing information should be controlled. OSI model Layer 4 attacks Layer 4 is the transport layer and utilises common transport protocols to enable network communications. This may include the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) and Universal Data Protocol

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