
North Korean Government Propaganda Essay

Decent Essays

Government Propaganda is Distorting Modern Events | September 19th, 2021

SAN FRANCISCO - Our investigators recently uncovered a clandestine operation run by the United States government that is being used to create a facade of strength and power. The United States government had recently been engaged in a war with North Korea that the United States was steadily losing. Our analyzers recently discovered that the North Koreans had been planning to let fly their secret weapon: a death day missile that would kill 90% of the entire population of the United States, and that would release radiation across the entire western hemisphere of the globe. However, twenty days before the weapon was to be released, the skilled laborers crafting the missile itself saw a colleague fall asleep and hit his head on …show more content…

“Honestly, it was a really weird opportunity. The North Koreans just screwed up so badly, and there were so many soldiers killed that something had to be said on their behalf,” said reported Patty Patterson of NBC. “Lots of people from the Office of Communications said that the citizens would be much less upset over a huge amount of deaths due to a secret operations that ultimately won the war as opposed to a stupid mistake by the North Koreans.”
“There’s no way to actually spin this story well,” dissented Edmund Cumberson, a reporter for NBC. “Here we have the great nation of the United States, being slowly defeated by the tiny nation of North Korea. For all that talk that the President gave about being able to crush them in their ‘puny war path,’ a stupid mistake is an ironic way to ‘win’ a war.”
“Our journalists just ran with it,” said John Skipper, the president of ESPN. “Honestly, I couldn’t refuse the request. It’s the White House, for goodness sakes. And to be fair, it does sound much better than ‘Nah, we didn’t win the war. North Korea

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