
Normality In Daniel Keyes Flowers For Algernon

Decent Essays

In “Flowers For Algernon”, Daniel Keyes reveals how normality becomes a dubious construct through the examination of Charlie and his disability. While Charlie tries to surpass the abnormality that comes along with his mental condition through an operation, he becomes the ideal human in order to be considered “normal”. However, Keyes effectively acknowledges that Charlie ends where he first started without ever belonging. The limits of social boundaries results in discrediting and devaluing any being who fails to belong to the accepted group because of differences. I argue that the discrimination Charlie faces stems from his desire to achieve normalcy which is thus, intertwined in the workforce creating a division amongst himself, who represents …show more content…

Flowers For Algernon” discusses the disability of Charlie which showcases how ‘the normal’ views his mental impairment as an aberration that separates him at his job. Hence, this is why he is constantly laughed at, judged, and feels inferior to others while he works. Charlie recalls the times when his coworkers would say “hey look at Joe or Frank or George he really pulled a Charlie Gordon. [He] didn’t know why they say that but they always laff” (289). Charlie Gordon was no longer his name, it was a label that titled “stupid” in big bold letters. The label is placed upon him as a way for the normal workers to use his disability as a means of laughter and mockery. He became an object for the sole purpose of entertainment. He is not talked to but rather talked at. His friends command him to mop toilets as a way to ridicule him for not being like them. It is because of this reason Charlie constantly seeks to be seen as ‘greater than’. I would like to emphasize that since normalcy is determined by society, Charlie can never try to obtain it. Whatever he says or do is discredited and laughed at because essentially he cannot separate himself from his disability. “Charlie Gordon” will always be known as the man who cannot speak or spell correctly and who cannot tell when he is being insulted. His name will always serve as an identifier for an act of

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