
Nora In Torvald

Decent Essays

Although Nora acts childish, she is aware of her situation and understands that she has to act this way in order to get what she wants. She understands that she is a doll in Torvald’s eyes and plays the part while he is around. That is the safest thing for her to do. In a doll toy house, the owner talks to the doll. He may narrate a story or tell the doll what to do, but the doll is just there to look pretty and for the enjoyment of the owner. A doll is not a real person. In the same way, torvald is treating Nora as a person without feelings, opinion, or input. He doesn’t consider them as worthy. If he had, there would be no need for her to be discreet about anything. She could have easily asked and maybe even persuaded Torvald in signing a loan. She also would have made her own judgements in tiny decisions such as if she may have a macaroon or not. A doll is helpless and cannot fight the owner since it has no control or power. It can only do what its owner makes and wants it to do. …show more content…

In order to get what she wants, she makes it seem like what she wants is always with Torvald’s best in mind. For example, when Kristine asked for a job at Torvald’s bank, it was simply out of necessity of money. However, when Nora was pleading for her, she Torvald feel so special by saying how great of a person he was that as soon as Kristine found out he got promoted, she came over just to work for him (1089; act 1). She is clever in her actions but discreet about her motives. Furthermore, when the letter was in the letterbox, in order to stop Torvald from reading it, she tries to distract him. However, she was clever in stopping him. The dance was important for Torvald, so that is what she used to distract him. She made him feel important as though he was the only one who could help her perfect the dance (1101; act

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