
Nonprofits Essay

Decent Essays

Nonprofits are hit with the biggest digital marketing challenge of all: a limited budget. In order to operate and raise awareness for their cause, nonprofits are charged with a complicated dilemma: competing for attention with bigger, more financially equipped online advertisers.

However, there are strategies nonprofits can utilize to connect their cause to their online audience. In this post, you will learn four digital marketing strategies that can help non-profits get noticed without draining the entire marketing budget.

Introducing...Google Ad Grants!

Many non-profits mistakenly rule out PPC (pay-per-click) marketing simply because it starts with the word “pay.” However, those who hold that opinion probably don’t know about Google’s …show more content…

Agencies are able to strategically go after the people that are most likely to care about your cause.

Apply For a Donate Now Button on Facebook

In August of 2015, Facebook announced that they’re allowing selected nonprofits to add a “Donate Now” call-to-action button to their Facebook page encouraging users to act right on Facebook. The button does require a small fee, but it if you’re a donation dependent organization (like most nonprofits are), this button promotes immediate action. To get this functionality on your page, make sure you have a verified Facebook page, hold verified 501(c)(3) status, and have agreed to Facebook’s terms and conditions. You can learn more about the process here.

The Benefits Outweigh the Cost

The benefits of implementing digital marketing into the marketing efforts for your nonprofit far outweigh the cost especially when you partner with an agency. With the strategies listed above you can grow your nonprofit’s brand awareness, donations, volunteers and more. It’s just about being strategic and taking the first step. To learn more about what digital marketing can do for your organization send us a note at, we’d love to hear from

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