
Non-commissioned Officer and Respect

Decent Essays

Respect is one the 7 Army Values and probably one of the most important in today’s Army. Discipline also works alongside respect even though it is not one of the Army Value’s; it falls under Self-less Service. You can’t have respect without discipline because it creates a sense of unity among soldiers which under extreme circumstances the military cannot afford to have any causality because of one individual’s decision to disrespect one of leaders appointed over me direct orders. Self-less Service leads to teamwork and encompasses discipline and is most effective when all soldiers can expect and give mutual respect to their fellow soldiers. When a person first enters the Army they are taught and instilled into our brain …show more content…

Army Regulation 600–20 Army Command Policy, Section Four, in particular, outlines the commanders' responsibility to maintain proper military discipline and conduct. Each subsection addresses a different aspect, or issue, affecting Soldier's behavior. Section 4 -1, for example, addresses military discipline, its importance, and command responsibilities for maintaining it. A well disciplined soldier carries himself with pride, Gives respect to others that out rank him and to those below him. Give the greeting of the day to the non-commissioned officers he passes and salutes the officer he passes as well. In our army a lack of discipline in a soldier may not only cost him is life and the life of his comrades, but cause a military undertaking to fail and his team to be defeated. On the other hand a team of a few well-disciplined solders is worth many times a much larger number of undisciplined individuals who are nothing more than an armed mob. History repeatedly shows that without discipline, no body of troops can hold its own against a well- disciplined and well-directed enemy. In you work in the Army we may wonder why the officers and noncommissioned officers insist on perfection in what appears to be minor details. Why do our vehicles have to be PMCS; why do we have to keep everything in line; why must your bed be made in a certain way; why must your uniform and equipment be in a prescribed order at

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