
Non-Profit Industry: A Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

I plan on using my communications skills to work in the non-profit industry. As Canada has a diverse population it is likely that in my career I will have Indigenous coworkers. As communications roles at non-profits are outward facing, it is also important to remember that the audience is the general public, which includes people of different cultures. It is also possible that some (or all in the case of cultural organizations) of the people that a potential employer serves, may be Indigenous.
During the seminar I was able to see some similarities between Indigenous cultural values and my own. The concept of equality in treatment of other people was one of the similar values that I identified. Though not necessarily actively practiced in churches …show more content…

For example in Indigenous culture there is the idea of reciprocity, giving in order to receive, which applies to both people and nature. If in the course of my work I needed to conduct an interview with an Indigenous elder to write a communications piece, I should offer a small gift in exchange for the information and time that they are giving me.
In order to be a good communicator it is important to understand a person’s culture and their experiences. As a communicator by understanding these things it allows me to determine the best methods of communication to convey a given message. Knowing how to communicate with Indigenous people in ways that they are more familiar with can help make sure the message is properly received and that there is no miscommunication.
As a communicator it is also important to understand these communications differences when working with clients, to help them understand the best way to reach an Indigenous audience or in the case of Indigenous clients the best way to help them tell their stories to reach a non-Indigenous audience in a way that the audience can fully understand and still gets the intended message

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