
Non Heterosexual Parenthood

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The parenthood process for non-heterosexual families is complex and most of the time enables them to become parents through surrogates, adoption and or one of the partners already conceived a baby from a prior heterosexual relationship. In addition, the laws that pertain are more strictly targeted to same-sex families as oppose to heterosexual families (Kazyak, p. 189, 2015). Legal information these families obtain (both heterosexual and non-heterosexual) can vary depending on where they decide to do their search and the status they have as well. For instance, families who are high in class or are more economically stable are more likely to have less attention from the legal system. Families that do not enable a higher class, or income acquire …show more content…

28 European countries underwent a study to determine their personal opinion of whether or not, homosexual couples should have or not have the right to adopt children? Homosexual couples includes lesbian women, gay men and their families. Northern countries were more realistic with the concept of homosexual adoption because their countries have established a normative legal systems in which same-sex couples do not have to hide. Research from Herek (2002) and others have indicated the root towards the rejection of these families. For instance, countries that hold traditional perspective are less inclined to be acceptable to support same-sex relationship and less with same-sex adoption. These beliefs encounter roles women and man should play in society and by accepting same-sex relationship, one may go against the traditional societal view of man and woman. Motivations that enable same-sex couples to want to adopt children would be the fact that they cannot bear on their own, “and the idea of not having children could influence attitudes toward adoption” (Takacs, p 1797, 2016). This study gives us an idea of the general international perspective of same-sex adoption and what influences lead them to think this

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