
Non-Consequentialist Arguments For The Legalization Of Gay Marriage

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According to the text book Some opponents of gay marriage will claim that sexuality is a matter of choice and that individuals Simply ought to choose traditional heterosexual relationships. Some proponents of Gay marriage will claim that individuals should be free to choose to marry whomever they want. Other defenders of gay marriage will argue that since homosexual attraction is not a matter of choice but, rather, a natural disposition over which individuals have no control, homosexuals should be free to engage in relationships that are natural and rewarding for them. From a consequentialist point of view, there is nothing in the nature of sex itself that requires that it be heterosexual or for reproductive purposes. In this view, the sexual …show more content…

Greater social acceptance of homosexuality along with legalization of gay marriage might produce more happiness for homosexuals. Moreover, if gay marriage were legalized throughout the country, then the full benefits of marriage would be extended to homosexuals, including benefits for Married couples that are obtained through tax policy, insurance coverage, and inheritance law. One of the most common non-consequentialist arguments against homosexual sex is that it is Unnatural, which it goes against nature. Natural law arguments against homosexuality And same-sex marriage have often traditionally been grounded in religious viewpoints on sexuality and the sanctity of heterosexual marriage. For example, many Christians and Jews who denounce homosexuality do so on the basis of Old Testament Bible verses such The Old Testament appears to permit polygamy. And the New Testament prohibits divorce. If we reject gay marriage on biblical grounds, should we also reject divorce and permit …show more content…

Gay marriage is fine it between two people who are interested in each other I don’t see why it would be rejected it whatever the person prefers. All other marriages I don’t think should be allowed as far as polygamy I don’t think that should be legal .my point of view is that a marriage should between two no matter the gender not multiple

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