
Non Aboriginal Stereotypes

Decent Essays

In Canada, our people of aboriginal descent are regularly stereotyped and viewed as second-class citizens who are “lesser” in many ways than the non-aboriginal people in social standing. This view leads people to continue to treat the indigenous very poorly. There are ways to try to repair these inaccuracies that non-aboriginal people believe, but it will take a concentrated effort for everyone to understand and work together.

Our society commonly views aboriginals with a very negative stereotype. For example, they are commonly thought of as non-educated, lazy, substance abusers who live off the government’s support payments. Additionally, they are viewed to be a negative influence towards others and are often standardized as rappers and …show more content…

However, this neglected to work, and aboriginals continue to practice their culture and speak their language today. Aboriginal people used to live in reserves far from non-aboriginals, but they are starting to move into cities. In fact, more than half of the Aboriginal population live in Canada’s cities. But non-aboriginals tend to dismiss the natives and treat them like second-class citizens, even though they are living on the natives rightful land. Non-aboriginals also mistreat the indigenous at schools. One in three aboriginal students drop out of high school before graduating. But instead of dropping out of school, they rather are being pushed out of school because they feel like they do not belong. People need to learn to accept the aboriginals as equal human beings, this way our society may improve the percentage of homeless aboriginals and create a positive and successful environment for …show more content…

Cities can have free clinic for both aboriginals and non-aboriginals to learn about the culture and the language of the natives and expose the non-aboriginals to the life of an indigenous. Aboriginals moving into cities to try to be successful and make a living for themselves usually end up homeless and abusing substances, because they are uneducated. If the government put more time and money into educating the indigenous people, there could be a lower unemployment rate, and many would become more successful. Additionally, there are many role indigenous role models in Canada that can help give people the motivation to make their life better. But the government needs to give more opportunities to these mentors, such as higher power in the government and more education, so they can fulfill their duties of helping the indigenous create a good life for themselves. And lastly, people need to let go of grudges and accept that the aboriginals are human beings, just the same as non-aboriginals. For some people this could be hard, and for others this may come

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