
Noise Solution And Noise Pollution

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Economic development, along with globalization and an improved transportation system made it a lot easier for people to be able to move from place to place. Commercial businesses began popping up everywhere and conflicts were bound to happen from time to time. When there are complaint(s) about noise violations police officers often use civil remedies to mediate what an ordinary citizen perceives to be a crime. It is important that these commercial businesses find ways to prohibit people from disturbing the peace and being a nuisance to other businesses in the surrounding area. Nuisance is defined as a condition that interferes with the neighbors’ use or enjoyment of their property, endangers life, health or safety, or is offensive to …show more content…

Most police officers when they visit an establishment for nuisance for the first time they will issue a warning to the offending business letting them know that there is a complaint(s) of public nusiance at their facility. Peak (2015) goes on to say that police officers have to analysis a situation at times to determine the best course of actions. Even though there have been numerous complaints against the businesses at 7500 Commercial Row an analysis is a key foundation for any sound intervention according to Parker (2004). In analysis, the police officers are able to determine the best course of action without acting hasty. The police will have to develop a process to determine what is appropriate to address specific crime and disorder problems at 7500 Commercial Row. One such remedy is that police officers can periodically patrol 7500 Commercial Row to see what they can visually observe to see what businesses are being public nuisances. Once police officers have observed that an establishment is a nuisance they can try the simplest solution, if necessary apply greater pressure to force the business to comply. Police departments can simply issue a letter stating the nature of the offense that has been observed and a request for a plan of action to address the problem. Police officers can continue to apply pressure until the nuisance has ceased. That way the business owners understand the cost of maintaining the nuisance will surpass the cost

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