
Noah And Trifles

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The main characters are Noah and Jude, who are in their teenage years. They are the ones that tell the story by alternating chapters. Noah doesn’t really have a lot of friends in the beginning, but as the story progresses, he makes friends with Brian, who will be introduced later. Jude, however, is very popular at the beginning. But, as the story goes on, she begins to change and she stops hanging out with those people and becomes a totally different girl. She becomes somewhat of an introvert and starts talking to her dead grandmother’s ghost, who, by the way, wrote a huge ‘bible’ full of superstitions that Jude lives by, goes to an art school, and is convinced that her mother’s ghost is responsible for ruining all her artwork just as she …show more content…

Noah immediately makes friends with Brian and we find out later that Noah actually has a crush on Brian. The feeling is mutual, but both are afraid of what will become of it. Brian leaves in the middle of the story to go back to the private school he attends, and when he comes back, he has changed and grown up a lot. He has joined a baseball team and has decided that he cannot be in love with Noah, because it would make him lose his spot on the Varsity team. As far as inter-character conflict, Jude is convinced at the beginning that Noah is trying to “steal” their mother and eventually her friends away from her. Noah is completely confused by this, but tries to get back at Jude for ignoring him and being mean to him when she is with her friends. Jude fights with her mother about everything from the clothes she wears to the people she hangs out with, Brian and Noah get into a spat or two, and Noah has decided that his father hates him and decides to avoid him as much as …show more content…

Noah and Jude are a pair of twins who have always been inseparable. But, as they grow older, she finds interest in friends, boys, and clothes, while he leans toward drawing and painting and wants nothing more than to get accepted into the California School of Arts. Noah cannot understand why Jude suddenly starts being so mean to him, hanging out with different people, wearing different clothes, worrying about things that the old Jude wouldn’t have batted an eye at, and, worst of all, having daily screaming matches with their mother, who has always been a very down-to-earth person, eccentric as she may be. As the story from Noah’s point of view progresses, however, we see Jude start to draw away from all that again and want to reconcile with her brother. But, in the time that has lapsed, Noah has already met and fallen in love with Brian, been sneaking into summer classes at CSA, and joined a track team at the public high school he attends. Jude finds an entirely different Noah than what she expected, and has to cope with that and find a way back into her brother’s life and heart

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