
Niqab Vs. World

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Moataz Ayyad Dr. Werner English 1158-011 December 6, 2015 Niqab vs. World “A Christian guy came in at work and asked why I wear the hijab. I said because Mary, the mother of Jesus is my role model.” --Fatima a young Muslim tweeted. Wearing the hijab and the niqab was something that started long before our time. Yet it is currently a heated debate in many countries. The niqab and hijab Muslim women wear on their heads is making headlines around the world (Stacey). The niqab or the hijab is not worn for tradition belief nor is it worn by force; it is worn for religious beliefs and on a women’s own will. For the past few years countries like Canada, United States and France are trying to stop Muslim women from wearing the niqab. However Muslim …show more content…

The judge that was on the case ordered the women to remove her niqab while testifying, rejecting her request to keep it on because she has previously removed it for a photo ID. However she refused and she was not allowed to testify at that time. (BHABHA 873) Religiously she did the right thing and disobeyed that order. According to conidian law she had every right to refuse to take it off and the judge had no authority to prevent her from testifying. Section 7 (security of the person) and Section 15 (equality rights) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Gave her the right to Wear the niqab and testify.( BHABHA 875)If a women came in with a lot of makeup on and it completely changed her face would the judge order her to wash her …show more content…

Niqab and hijab is a really sensitive part of Islam. For countries to start making laws to ban the niqab or the hijab no true Muslim would except. Therefore Muslim women should be given the right to wear their niqab and practice their religion and should be treated equally as women from other religions are treated. Consider the Niqab and hijab as a women’s dignity ripping away their scarfs is just like ripping away their dignity. Work Cite Linning, Stephanie. "Shocking Moment Hijab-wearing Girl Is Attacked from behind." Daily Mail. Associated Newspapers, 08 Sept. 2015.Web. Chappell, Bill. "World's Muslim Population Will Surpass Christians This Century, Pew Says." NPR. NPR, 2 Apr. 2015. Web. Stacey, Aisha. "Why Muslim Women Wear the Veil." Islam Religion. N.P., Sept.-Oct. 2009. Web. Tissot, Sylvie. "Excluding Muslim Women: From Hijab To Niqab, From School To Public Space." Public Culture 23.1 (2011): 39-46. Abdul Kabir Hussain, Solihu. "Making Sense of Hijab and Niqāb in Contemporary Western Societies." Intellectual Discourse 17.1 (2009): 25-41. Kirk, David. "Appearance in Court--Veiled Threats." Journal of Criminal Law 77.6 (2013): 459-461. Bhabha, Faisal. "R. V. N.S.: What Is Fair In A Trial? The Supreme Court Of Canada's Divided Opinion On The Niqab In The Courtroom." Alberta Law Review 50.4 (2013):

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