Moataz Ayyad Dr. Werner English 1158-011 December 6, 2015 Niqab vs. World “A Christian guy came in at work and asked why I wear the hijab. I said because Mary, the mother of Jesus is my role model.” --Fatima a young Muslim tweeted. Wearing the hijab and the niqab was something that started long before our time. Yet it is currently a heated debate in many countries. The niqab and hijab Muslim women wear on their heads is making headlines around the world (Stacey). The niqab or the hijab is not worn for tradition belief nor is it worn by force; it is worn for religious beliefs and on a women’s own will. For the past few years countries like Canada, United States and France are trying to stop Muslim women from wearing the niqab. However Muslim …show more content…
The judge that was on the case ordered the women to remove her niqab while testifying, rejecting her request to keep it on because she has previously removed it for a photo ID. However she refused and she was not allowed to testify at that time. (BHABHA 873) Religiously she did the right thing and disobeyed that order. According to conidian law she had every right to refuse to take it off and the judge had no authority to prevent her from testifying. Section 7 (security of the person) and Section 15 (equality rights) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Gave her the right to Wear the niqab and testify.( BHABHA 875)If a women came in with a lot of makeup on and it completely changed her face would the judge order her to wash her …show more content…
Niqab and hijab is a really sensitive part of Islam. For countries to start making laws to ban the niqab or the hijab no true Muslim would except. Therefore Muslim women should be given the right to wear their niqab and practice their religion and should be treated equally as women from other religions are treated. Consider the Niqab and hijab as a women’s dignity ripping away their scarfs is just like ripping away their dignity. Work Cite Linning, Stephanie. "Shocking Moment Hijab-wearing Girl Is Attacked from behind." Daily Mail. Associated Newspapers, 08 Sept. 2015.Web. Chappell, Bill. "World's Muslim Population Will Surpass Christians This Century, Pew Says." NPR. NPR, 2 Apr. 2015. Web. Stacey, Aisha. "Why Muslim Women Wear the Veil." Islam Religion. N.P., Sept.-Oct. 2009. Web. Tissot, Sylvie. "Excluding Muslim Women: From Hijab To Niqab, From School To Public Space." Public Culture 23.1 (2011): 39-46. Abdul Kabir Hussain, Solihu. "Making Sense of Hijab and Niqāb in Contemporary Western Societies." Intellectual Discourse 17.1 (2009): 25-41. Kirk, David. "Appearance in Court--Veiled Threats." Journal of Criminal Law 77.6 (2013): 459-461. Bhabha, Faisal. "R. V. N.S.: What Is Fair In A Trial? The Supreme Court Of Canada's Divided Opinion On The Niqab In The Courtroom." Alberta Law Review 50.4 (2013):
In Primary Matters by upfront they exhibit how the major parties choose their candidates, starting with the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. The New Hampshire primary and Iowa caucuses have too much influence over the other states, especially for being so rural and not very diverse. “Since 1952, the New Hampshire primary has been the first major test for presidential hopefuls… During the 1970s, the Iowa caucuses, which take place earlier, began to gain importance.” (upfront) The primary and caucuses are based on tradition, it's been kept because there hasn't really been a real need to change. This system has turned into barely more than a televised advertisement for the candidates. The real importance isn't their opinions and
Politicians in Quebec have passed a controversial religious neutrality bill which would require people receiving and giving services to expose their faces and could mean that the Muslim niqab or burqa could be banned in public.
“I wear it to work. I wear it to school,” she told The Signal about her niqab. “Many people have this misconception that, as Muslim women, we’re oppressed or forced to wear it. For me, it’s a choice. My parents never forced me to wear it.”
With so many religions, it may be difficult for some to understand what it means for Muslim women to veil. The purpose of veiling is a duty they are called upon and that is to obey their God. Many people believe in something, be it aliens, ghosts, the higher spirit, or their own God, one’s faith should not be judged. In addition, Canada clearly defined that it is unlawful to be a racist to one’s Religious beliefs in order to become a Citizen of Canada. It has been said, Gods and people can look through from one side to the other (Ellwood, Robert S., and Barbara A. McGraw. 5 print). Which could possibly lead for one to show respect to one’s faith and to understand their faith without
There has been debates about whether the Islamic face veil should be banned in countries. The arguments that governments of countries that have banned the Muslim face veil (France, Syria, Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium) argue that the full-face veil is oppressive, degrading towards women, and goes against values of each country. However, many Muslim women believe otherwise and strongly disagree with the banning of the veil. I strongly believe that the Islamic face veil should not be banned because it is a complete violation of religious and expressive freedom and forces them to conform to an alternative culture.
A veil is a piece of sheer material worn by women to conceal their faces, that very piece of material symbolizes sacredness. In traditional Christian religion the veil is worn by the bride in white on her wedding day as she approaches her groom at the alter. He uncovers her face at the end of the ceremony and they kiss. Once that tradition is done the bride and the groom live their lives together without her ever having to wear the veil again. However, In the Muslim religion predominantly in Saudi Arabia the veil is also considered sacred, but used for different purposes. For the women of Saudi Arabia wearing the veil is part of their everyday life. In fact it is forbidden for them not to wear it, their veil is worn routinely. The women of Saudi should know that living behind the veil is a form of abuse toward them. A life in front of the veil is more enjoyable and liberating. Just because they walk in the street without their veil does not make them promiscuous nor should they be punished for it.
When I was introduced to the topic of France’s ban on the veil, I disagreed with the law. I took a position based on my customs as an American citizen, which differs completely from those of France. International critics began to argue that France is violating what people call “Freedom of Religion,” which I agreed with at first. As a foreigner from America, I am accustomed to the American government’s definition of freedom of religion. Protected by the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise.” (Religious Freedom). You can express your religion in public, during church, mass, or religious meetings. So the presence of religious items such as the burqa's and veil do not disturb the people or government.
Everyone has rights and freedoms, and we all want those to be respected. For Muslim women, the burqa is a way to feel safe and protected. They feel less likely to be sexually assaulted when they are out in public. Many of these women believe only their husbands should see their body, and they have the right to believe this. A woman should be allowed to choose what she wears and how much of her body is revealed to others. Many women go out into public with very little clothing on, so Muslim women should be allowed to go out covered with a burqa. Muslim women are bringing harm to no one by wearing a burqa. Everyone is comfortable in different things, and we would not want anyone telling us we cannot wear a hoodie if we are cold or a hat. This is the same thing as telling Muslim women that they cannot wear a burqa.
Since the incident of 9/11 occurred, many people have debated over the Muslim faith and its practices. Muslim extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS have affected the name of Islam causing majority of Muslims to be blamed. Recently, a tragic event that occurred in Paris killing over a hundred people left the people of France shaken with fear and anger. These events have lead to an increasing amount of hate and tension towards Muslims all over the world from protests at mosques, where Muslims go to pray, and anti-Muslim rally’s. Islamophobia is a massive issue that has steered European counties like France to enforce laws that ban religious garments that Muslims wear such as the niqab and burqa. Some people perceive these garments to be
A nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to god. But when a Muslim woman does the same she is being oppressed. It may be argued that wearing a burqa benefits only a few and brings more harm than good to society. The real question is who does it harm? That should be the basis for banning this piece of clothing, not one based on fear or an arguably feeble argument that the women do not have a choice. To say that a ban on a specific item like this is undemocratic is an understatement. Following the French senate’s unanimous vote in favour of banning the burqa in late 2010, many European and western countries including Belgium and Spain have made the decision to take the
In I Want a Wife, Judy Brady describes her role as a wife that seem to go unrecognized. Her essay explains a wife through the eyes of a husband. According to Judy, husbands allow their wives to do all the work, almost as if they are the husband’s slaves. Although this essay was written long ago, around the time of the feminist movement in the 1970s, the roles Brady describes in her essay, I have grown up watching my mom perform. I have also watched my dad do little around the house, waiting for my mom to get frustrated and give in to doing whatever the chore may be. I Want a Wife, therefore, is extremely relatable, it is like my dad wrote it himself and expects all these responsibilities to be completed by my mom. On the other hand, I
Here in the United States, some individuals think that by wearing a hijab you are you enforcing the belief that Muslim women are being forced to wear one despite the reason that some of these women wear it’s a sign of freedom. Therefore, it appears that to some women, the veil is unjust; while other women feel it is not unjust but a decision they made on their own in dedication to their religion. Still, for many women especially the ones in Western countries, they have no choice and for that reason alone, they are being made to wear a
Within the Middle East, the largest population of the men and women are Muslim. The Muslim religion suggests that the women wear a veil or hijab, which is a headscarf that only exposes a woman’s eyes, accompanied by a burqa which is a full body cloak. The sole purpose of the clothing is to cover a woman’s feminine features from men’s eyes. The Qur’an, an Islamic scripture supports, and slightly obligates the uniform by saying that women are to be conservative, “Let them wear their head covering over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments.” (Qur’an). Muslim women, instead of feeling oppressed, view this as a positive aspect in their lives, influenced by their devotion to Allah. Their acceptance could be influenced by their
An individual’s identity can differ depending on several different physical and biological factors including sexuality, gender, age and class. Throughout Ruby Tabassum’s article entitled Listening to the Voices of Hijab, identity is related to gender in a number of ways. I have decided to discuss this specific article because the idea of how femininity is portrayed is a significant aspect of Canadian culture nowadays. I am also interested in focusing on how the identities of Muslim women are recognized in society and how individuals interpret the meaning behind wearing the hijab. Throughout this article, I have distinguished several different reasons for wearing
When a child is born, its family raises it in hope for him to become successful. Inevitably time remains slow, yet it is constant. Thanks be to God that we wake up every morning knowing that we can rely on its consistency to creep on us as children grow older. A mother’s dream, with three children, is for the last child to live happily and a father’s is for his children to be cautious of the threats the world has within. But as a result of the values and characteristic that the child has developed, he chose his own path in life. He chose to become a pilot. When he reached high school, he learned that the best way to earn your career is to obtain a degree that certifies you in your profession. That is when he decided to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. There he wants to major in Aeronautical Science and someday earn his way to his own 747.