
Niqab In Today's Society

Decent Essays

Conflictions with the Niqab in Today's Society The niqab is a veil that Muslim women wear that covers their face, except the eyes, to show as a sign of modesty. There is some controversial quarrel that these women are not allowed to have their covering on during the oath of citizenship at Canadian ceremonies. The beliefs on this ban is growing as people now think that the niqab should be restricted while in the position of public service. The articles Ten reasons to ban the niqab - in the public service by Barbara Kay and Niqab ban for public servants would be considered, says Stephen Harper by Tonda MacCharles, highlight notorious dispute on the issue suppressing if this subject should be carried out or not. Between these two articles, they are both similar in a way by having a platform that intends to push the reader of the article to …show more content…

They both also have strong arguments that underline the side that each article specifically supports. In Kay's National Post article, it emphasizes that the niqab should be banned and she provides justifications such as, it is not a religious obligation but more as a regional custom, it is offensive in present day society due to it not setting a safe environment for others, and it is a double standard comparing to that men do not have to cover up, but women do. Kay starts off by stating what is the meaning of harm is, then branches off that the niqab is not causing any harm, but more "moral panic", assuring readers that her belief is what they should be focusing on. She then uses a list format for each justification then provides explanations that backup up each argument in order to persuade the reader that her rational opinion is what is true. In MacCharles The Star article, she begins by outlining Stephen

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