
Nightmare Creative Writing

Decent Essays

I usually don't have nightmares,but this one still terrifies me. In 2008 I was 3 years old and I was just starting to have nightmares. This one nightmare I would always have and it scared the life out of me. When i would fall asleep i would wake up in my dream.But I wasn't alone, He would come out of my closet When I saw him I screamed and ran,but in the dream there is nowhere to go.He pick me up and throw me out the window it always made a very loud noise but i didn't sound like glass it was like paper ripping. I would start to run through the woods and i would hear him calling my name ZAKK WHERE ARE YOU!!! I would always try to hide but he would find me. Even when I was running . The trees would break when I hid behind them. I remember …show more content…

I would run back to the house but something grabbed me it wasn't the man but it was a monster a red and brown monster of some sort. I would hit him until he let go of me, then i would go into the bathroom and lay down there in the bathtub while he was in the hallway calling for me. I lay there motionless for what seemed like hours when he finally came up to the bathroom door.He turned the handle and he came into the bathroom grabbed me from the tub put me on my bed and then boom I woke up. I had this nightmare 3 times a month up until fifth grade. When i had my last nightmare I was stronger and faster. He would come through my window and I ran away from he but he over time was getting faster to and stronger. He would chase me around the yard and around my house but I had a plan. I don't know how his happened but I could control my dream I ran back inside the house and went back into my room and locked the …show more content…

When I had the chance I unlocked the door and he came in and I hit him with baseball bat and hit him so hard he went through the window. He would get up and fly back into the window and he would grab me but then I would grab a stick and hit him with It and then he would drop me and cry in pain,Then I took my chance to run and I ran out the front door. When I was running through the tall grass in my neighbor's yard I realized the whole neighborhood was abandoned Just then I heard his voice calling

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