This painting is called Night fishing in Antibes made by Picas in 1993. This painting is oil on paint and is 6’9” and 11’4”. Taking a quick look at this artwork, and many wouldn’t understand it’s meaning at first, some may disregard it as simply a fisherman painting. However dealing deeper into this painting there is more forbidding and meaning than one may think at first.
Through creatively using principles such as of color, space, shape, balance, form, composition in this artwork, Picasso shows an interesting artwork. This artwork has forms and concepts that stems from cubism, surrealism and primitivism. The forms also have a flat look and are cut out very geometrically, which make for an interesting composition. It is also through these factors and the subjects that Picasso articulates his story.
Briefly this artwork shows 2 fisherman, one holding a spear, and the other looking over the side of the boat holding the spear with his foot. The river is of the french riviera of Antibes. On the far upper left there are structures of buildings which is Chateau Grimaldi. Around the fisherman there are months and insects. Then there what seems to be a moon. On the far right, There are 2 women, where on is on a bicycle eating ice-cream and the other is waving
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I believe that this message was intended to showcase the situation to the people of the time. It was also a painting to forbade the war that was going to eventually happen and a last reminder of the once peaceful and happy Spain they had before. However the audience who would see it now would see it a bit differently. The audience probably wouldn’t know the historical context of this artwork that well and not immediately understand the social and historical meaning because the majority of the audience now doesn’t live in
Some rocks are stretching all the way to the center of the lake, where some people and their cattle are standing. The whole painting don’t have any special focus because the artist didn’t give any part more attention. The whole scene seems clear and calm in a sunny weather. The sunlight comes from the top part of the sky behind trees around the lake on the right side of the painting.
Most of his creations represent history and society of his time. But “Guernica,” which Picasso painted in response to tragedy and the loss of life, directly related to the Spanish civil-war. “Guernica” was one of the masterpieces created by Picasso, probably the 20th century 's most negative symbol of the horrors. It was a also signal for the terrors of the future. When the Nazi troops dropped a bomb on the Basque village of Guernica in northern Spain, at that time nobody imagined this kind of act in reality. Most
At first glance, the Red Fish looks like a decoration piece that someone would hang in their home or lake house for decoration. However, with a more in depth look, viewers will see that this painting illustrates much more than it appears. In 1990, Leonard Koscianski used a piece of canvas, 64’’x46’’ to paint the image of a fish out of water. Koscianski used oil and dark shades of red, orange, blue, green, and white to create the Red Fish. The Red Fish was painted vertically with the fish as the main focus point. Behind some green blade grass, a large red- orange fish appears to be leaping out of the water. The size of the fish helps show that the fish is the center piece of the painting. Behind the fish there is a small patch of land, filled with blade grass with two white house’s sitting off in the distance. Directly behind the houses is a section of woods. From left to right, the tree tops seem to follow and up and down pattern. The dark blue sky begins at the tree line and ends at the top of the painting. Throughout the sky there are patches of clouds that are an off white color. The contrast between the colors used by Koscianski show a lot of detail, but did not take away from the huge red- orange fish. Along with the color scheme, Koscianski used lines to add detail to the fish and to provide depth to the painting. With proper use of colors and lines, Koscianski was able to create the Red Fish. In 1991, the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Description: This painting is a little bit smaller than the human chest, standing at about 18.5 inches high, and 13.75 wide without the frame. The panel it’s featured on is a rectangle shape. Its hung with an interesting shaped frame, that is not the usual rectangle but rather a framed extended from a rectangle almost like a Japanese shrine with two pillars and a roof. The color scheme is very beautiful. It involves very dark characters in the forefront, with incredibly contrasting light and more comforting tones from the background. The Image represents a saint struggling to break free from the demons of sin and temptation
Later he ended up revisiting Spain and he could see the division of the country. Spain was divided into two sides. One side is the New Spain, a country with thriving socialist movements. On the other side was Ancient Spain, a country suffocated by the heavy presence of the Catholic Church and poverty. Picasso called the Ancient Spain the Black Spain. These two sides wanted each other gone and were very conflicted. In the year 1935 Spain experienced an awful time and during this time Picasso started to change his art style. One of his most significant paintings where he started changing his style is the “Minotauromachy.” This piece is very sexual, but scriptural at the same time and almost disturbing in a way. Around this time many changes started happening in Picasso’s life, his wife was pregnant and he took a political side with the
Picasso's innovations expanded our minds and actually went to the art. His work has influenced many art and research not only in the art world, but also influenced the sculpture, architecture and music. The CUBIST movement revolutionized many of the world's features. This has provoked a new thinking process, which leads to a new style and deep in the sense. It changed the way to see the world. Picasso's Cubism is trusted as the greatest break in the art history since the Renaissance revolution. The Picasso artist's "rules" gave to the people. His analytical cubism transformed the paintings from a single perspective to many perspectives and broke geometric shapes. His later cubism, Synthetic Cubism it’s developed by use of daily
The work is privately owned, and displayed occasionally in Melbourne. It captures and stands towards the audience because of its contrastive colour. It is almost pure black, with spots of yellow. The materials he used were also significant, and the way he distorted the face of the fish, gives a sense of almost cubism. The seemingly random twigs which stick out from the fish, give an impression of danger. The overall atmosphere the fish gives, is very dark and evil. He acts like an omen and a forewarning of environmental disaster.
Pablo Picasso was one of the brightest artist for his time and he has been credited with influencing many of the different directions that art went in the twentieth century. Picasso was said to influence styles of art like surrealism and co-invent cubism and not unlike artists before him, he drew inspiration from the great people of the time such as Freud or artists like Cézanne. Picasso was unique in the fact that his paintings represented what he wanted them to represent and through the freedom of interpretation, Picasso was able to influence those who saw his works. Picasso was such a different painter in his time because instead of focusing on the details and trying to make things perfectly realistic, he painted with a sort of freedom
“In Cubism paintings, objects are broken apart and reassembled in an abstracted form, highlighting their composite geometric shapes and depicting them from multiple, simultaneous viewpoints in order to create physics defying, collage- like effects” ( Editors). This innovative art form was very diverse from any other and he was able to create an unseen theme resulting in the new style, Cubism. As said in this article, “Pablo Picasso is most known for instruction of cubism, and modern approach to painting. Which set forth the movements to follow in the twentieth century” (Pablo Picasso and His Paintings). They were two different forms of cubism that were created, analytical and collage, by Picasso and Baroque. Each type focused on the composition of different ideas combined into one piece of artwork. Analytical, the first form of cubism, was the breaking down but put together form of Pablo’s new art style (Pablo Picasso). An example of this division of art would be “Break and Fruit Dish on a Table”, which shows the new perspective being shown with the fruit dish. The simplicity of the geometrical shapes coming together to form a complex image was repeatedly the case for analytical
After examining the painting further, it made me think of a Medieval jester. Jesters were professional clown (fool or buffoon) who worked to entertain a king or nobleman in the middle ages. I see this jester right in the center of the painting. At the top middle there is a big yellow spot with a white lining on the right side, that is the head. Above that i see a halo with a dark blue ribbon hanging from it. The two similar sales of yellow towards the bottom of the paint I see as the feet of the jester. I see the middle to be the big puffy costume of the jester. Though I am not sure why, this painting reminds me of my trip to Italy in 2014, because of its European feel. This painting can also be viewed as the head and shoulders of something. If the head of the jester where to be a hat and the two large red chucks (original the puffy legs of the jester) are the shoulders of the new body. My main view on Sardines is that it is a jester pleasing and humoring its employer.
Personally, I really liked this picture, but in the combination of colors and shapes of objects. There is something ancient and mystical in it, you can even say "sands of time". This inexplicable mystery attracts me, and especially the presence of a hidden "message" in such a vivid place. Looking at this picture, I immerse myself in the atmosphere of the Renaissance. After the 1517 formation, a new worldview influenced the cultural and artistic life of Europe - the artists were no longer bound by the religious framework, the themes of the works expanded and mutated.
This painting is very colorful and uses warm colors to make things blend together nicely. The trees are very upright and seem to be old. The leaves are turning colors to orange and yellows. Then below the trees on the path there are rocks that are quite large in comparison to the trees. surrounding the rocks is dirt and little green trees poking out. The barren tree trunks are making the pictures focus point start at the bottom and making its way to the top. There is a very dark green pine tree behind the brown tree trunk. The lines in this painting are mainly going straight up and down but there is also a ton going horizontal and diagonal. The brush strokes are very even and not easily spotted. While the artist made the sky overcast with a cream color paint, there are no shadows created by the objects in the painting. In the background to the left there is a mountain that is darker than the other
This painting depicts a sidewalk café in France at night. There is a doorway to the front left of the painting that is painted blue, and is surrounded by a wall that gleams yellow from the outdoor lights. Attached to the wall, there is a large awning, and it covers the diners and the empty tables that are a part of the café. Above the awning, there are open window shutters
The painting shows five women naked with flat figures, disintegrated planes and faces, inspired by African masks. The compacted space the figures occupy appears to project forward in jagged shards; a fiercely pointed slice of melon in the still life of fruit at the bottom of the composition teeters on an impossibly upturned table top. In this painting, Picasso makes a radical departure from traditional European painting by adaptation of Primitivism and abandonment of perspective in goodwill of a level two-dimensional picture of a plane.
Picasso used several principle and element of art while painting “Guernica”. Some of the elements include value, line, shape, color and, space.