
Night Father Quotes

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In Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie was more loyal to his father than himself. First, Elie continuously kept his father’s spirits up. To illustrate, Elie’s father thought he would die and Elie said this: “We’ll see each other tonight, after work” (Wiesel 75). This detail suggests Elie is trying to cheer up his father which shows his reliability. Second, Elie always tried his best to stay alongside his father. For example, when Elie was assigned to a separate corner for work, he begged the guard “please, sir… I’d like to be near my father” (Wiesel 50). This quote describes Elie’s want and need to be close to his father. Lastly, Elie helped his father every time he was tired, injured or sick. Elie’s father had a fever and wanted one thing and Elie

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