
Night By Elie Wiesel: Literary Analysis

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Desmond Tutu once said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness” (qtd. in "Desmond Tutu Quotes.") . Yes, despite all the evil Eliezer encountered during his time, he still found hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. He was only the age of fourteen when he was taken from his home by the Germans. Wiesel’s strength shines through in his novel of immorality and opens the eyes of many readers. Elie Wiesel encounters several instances of darkness but also everlasting love throughout his grueling experience with concentration camps and attempted genocide of the Jewish community in his book, Night. One of the main themes of Night, facing darkness, is shown through multiple literary elements. However, Eliezer and his father are the crucial piece of the puzzle all the way through the novel. Elie Wiesel shares his darkest experience with readers. By doing so, he opens the minds of many reader of how life was turned into such evil. Eliezer pours his feelings …show more content…

The strength Elie had, was what made him able to stay with and help his aging father. That was all that mattered to Elie Wiesel. While time began to slip away from Eliezer and his father, love was still present. Although the road to the end began its biggest downfall, Elie’s father showed his faith. “I shall always remember that smile. From which world did it come?” (Wiesel 86) . This breathtaking moment is the biggest mystery to Elie Wiesel. His father was becoming weaker but still managed to show a smile. One can not forget that they once started with everything and ended with nothing. This was Elie Wiesel’s father. He was the head of the Jewish Community and everyone knew his name, but in the end, was considered nothing but a number on his arm. In the end, nothing was more important than his father and their everlasting bond and love for one another. Never can Elie Wiesel’s memories fade to

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